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It is interesting to go shopping with our husbands or friends. We all have our own individual preferences.

When my MIL was sick I took my husband’s grandmother shopping. She was not fun to go shopping with at all.

If I showed her sensible shoes she would say, “I am not wearing those shoes! They are for old ladies!”

Mind you, she was in her 80’s and really needed a walker but was too vain to use one.

So, she would buy heels and nearly kill herself trying not to fall.


Hahaha, throwing clothes away is one way of him not wearing them again.

Lol, some men prefer there partner buys their cloths.

I don't either, the one thing I do do is if he has a shirt that is looking really shabby I put them on the bottom of his shorts and if he never misses it , I throw it away. 😆


I understand if a person has a legitimate reason to do so. The woman that I worked with did everything for her husband. He was lazy and didn’t want to do anything at all.

I buy all my own husband’s clothes, because he has no color sense at all. When I met him, his idea of art was gypsy ladies on black velvet, bought from door-to-door salesmen. He has highly developed ‘kinesthetic’ abilities, very few visual instincts. Typical engineer? Certainly not lazy.

He thinks I'm beautiful! For me it’s ‘quit when you’re ahead’.


Yes, they operate more slowly than we do!

If I ask my husband to help me in the kitchen, he takes twice as long as I do. I run circles around him because he takes his sweet time! At least, it does get done correctly though.

Oh, and don’t get me started on loading the dishwasher. That’s another area where we differ!

He has everything lined up a specific way. Ask me if I care which way my dishes are facing? 😝 LOL, as long as they get clean, I really don’t care!

He’s very neat though. I can’t say that he is a man who lives like a slob and expects me to pick up after him.

He does his own shopping. I worked with a woman who bought all of her husband’s clothes! I don’t get that at all!

I am so thankful to my mother in law for raising her sons to be independent. He can cook, he helps out and the opposite of how his dad was. His dad’s mother spoiled him by waiting on him hand and foot.

My mother in law said that she had to deprogram my father in law, because she wasn’t going to become like her mother in law.

That's good needs!! As for hanging painting oh my it's a project here. Lol
Me I pick I spot and bang the nail. It's like an hour project with my husband

Yes my husbands awesome heard worker, that's why I do the painting, so he can do the heavy lifting. Finishing projects well that takes time and some convincing at times 😆

So are road work was done Friday in front of my house, now we get a call we can't use or drink are water because there is a huge leak somewheres. So I bet I'll be waking up to more trucks, beeps and banging. 😂

It has been raining here. My bell peppers are getting a good drink of water!

My husband is a great handyman in a lot of areas. He paints very well. He’s an engineer and is quite anal! When he does a job, it is completed, and done perfectly!

I never hang any pictures on the wall because he would have a fit! He gets out the tape measure and level tool and hangs it exactly as it should be. I would just eyeball it! Hahaha 😝.

Another heads up:
Do what the men do when it comes to painting, or any chores.
My dH has perfected the following techniques to avoid working:

Leave the job site to go get the right tool, then do not return.

Mess up something, or break it to prove he cannot do the job.

Excuse himself, sorry, he has to take this call.

Be back later, (or not at all) gotta go to the bathroom.

Start another project and do not complete the job at hand, do not finish either project.

To of of us girls out there, a heads up . If your husband doesn't know you know how to paint. Keep it to yourself. 😁

My husband figured it out 5 years ago, I think I have a paint brush glued to my hand sence.


Yes it's the noise! Constant banging and clanging,and beeping, and vibrating. It feels like Chinese water torcher. They should be farther down the road next week.

I'm sure it's hard, you grandma was just ready. And it sounds like she lived a health good life, you sound like your handling things as well as to be expected.

So I got the death certificate for my grandmother.

She died of congestive heart failure.

On a few occasions, she felt chest pain and was taken to the hospital to be examined and each time, nothing was found. The local hospital isn't always on its A-game, but it doesn't matter now. We've said goodbye and she's resting easy now.

golden: Yes, I have. If I gain two pounds, my PCP is ecstatic. Never going to gain large amounts.


I have been to renaissance festivals. They are so much fun!

Imagine living during medieval times!


Awww, I'm glad you got some pictures of your mom when she was younger

Even ten years ago we dressed nicer at times.

We went to a Renaissance fair a few years ago. Was so much fun!!!!
They had stores where you could rent an outfit, a winch outfit was less expensive than the rich Renaissance.. I would of loved to dress up, but it was a warm day. We walked around watching shows all day, eating giant turkey legs. Watched jousting.


It is fun to get dressed up sometimes. Mom lost her photos in hurricane Katrina.

Some of my cousins were kind enough to send me pictures that they had taken of my mom in her younger days.

Mom was stunning! She dressed beautifully. My father was very handsome and dressed well too.

When I look at photos of my parents in their youth and compare photos of how casually we dress now, we look like slobs! 😝

But hey, we are comfortable and styles and trends change throughout the years.

Can you imagine if we lived during the Victorian era? 😆 hahaha, how long did it take those women to get dressed in the morning? We can be dressed in a few minutes!

I have to say that my mom was never overly strict with how I dressed when I hit my teenage years.

Mom appreciated nice clothes but she didn’t nag me about hanging out in jeans and a tee shirt most of the time.

My mother was very stylish until she died. Even in her end of life hospice care home she wore pretty night gowns.

The aides were lovely with her and would say, “I know that you like to look nice. Let’s put on one of your pretty gowns.”

Their kindness meant so much to mom and to us.

Yeah , no one dresses up anymore. I have mixed emotions about that. I miss dressing up some days. I get up in the morning, somedays and say I feel like dressing up today, I get all dolled up , then im board change my close to go work in the yard.

So I really miss getting glammed up, but I also feel like I'm a lot more physical and in better shape if I don't.


You are correct about the dress being more casual these days in church, everywhere else too.

People dressed up in our parents’ day, and not just for church. We dressed up as kids.

On special occasions, during the holidays or attending a wedding and so on, we always wore a fancy new dress. New purse and shoes too!

I remember my parents dressing up to visit friends, shopping, going out to a restaurant, a movie, etc.

Clothing has gone up in price so much. Nowadays, casual blouses can cost as much as $100 and up.


That’s right!

Our church had fans in the back of church for people to pick up before the service started.

Everyone dressed up. We wore our Sunday best!

Hats, gloves, of course, stockings for ladies to wear with their dresses. Bare legs wouldn’t have been acceptable. Men wore suits, always with a tie.

Oh I had forgotten about the paper fans, we had specially made ones with bible scenes! And when I was very young all the ladies wore gloves and hats to church too, and I can't remember any man ever taking off his suit coat. Today the elders serve communion wearing shorts lol.


Our kids don’t know how good they have had it.

When I was younger, no air conditioning in schools or church. I remember seeing people pass out in church. Those paper fans didn’t cool us off too much!

I don’t know how the nuns at my school didn’t pass out while teaching us. They wore those full habits back then.

We didn’t have air conditioning in our house until I was a teenager.

llama - have you lost more weight? I seem to remember that you weighed more that 115 lb last year

need - summers in Ontario when I was a child were very hot and humid, but it never hit 100. It didn't cool down at night either. No one had AC in those days.

nacy - I remember one summer like that in Fort Mc about 15 years ago They were digging up the sewers in front of the house then started digging them up behind the house. The noise bothered me more than anything else. It was awful. You couldn't get away from it.

The road construction at my house is really starting to annoy me.

The hardest part is we live on a corner lot. One drive way on the side of the house and one in the front.

So first for a month on the side yard . Now it's the front. Trackers, trucks, banging and clanging fro 7 am till about 5pm, almost every day , for 2 months. When there not working there equipment is parked all up and down my road. Never knowing if are water is getting shut off . Having to plan my showers, laundry, all that.

And the worst is the dust! So much dust, I finally gave up trying to keep up with it. Just letting it collect until they are down the road father.

I just really needed to get that off my chest. I know they have to do what they have to do but...... I want it over. Lol

ITRR and Nacy: Thank you.

Needs, that was a shock, we got up around 3 am to get ready for the airport, and walked out of the hotel and the heat just hit me , like opening the oven door

When we went to the WW2 museum, saw some conspiracy workers working on a roof. I don't know how they do that


It is stifling, zaps my energy. It’s very difficult to be outside when it is so hot. It doesn’t cool down at night either. The sun goes down but the humidity doesn’t.

I'm trying to never complain about the heat again 😂 , because us northeners don't really know heat. I actually handled it better than I expected but, WOW

Oh Anna, I was in New Orleans, 2 weeks ago. It's nothing I've ever experienced before.

Geez Need, feeling 100F and it’s not even summer! How does anyone work outdoors?!? I’d wilt very quickly.

We don't have ducks , we have hot water base and a boiler system. That's the issue. Id love to have central air

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