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Thanks Pamzimmrrt

He always reminded me of our neighbors in WV.. LOL

Thx for the info Pam. There is definitely a big heart under that somwhat crusty exterior with the captain.

About Captain.. I look about sometimes because I actually really liked him, he was authentic if somewhat abrasive.. LOL. Nope they have not solved the murder, but his ex wife has an active FB page about him. (the son) Its so sad. Yes I am a pretty good "stalker"

I often wonder about the captain. I hope they solved his son's murder.

Hi, Mayday. Captain hasn't posted in a few years now, I believe since around the time of Brexit and the U.S. presidential elections, so that would have been 2016. Also, one of his children was tragically murdered around that time, too. Captain hasn't been on AC -- that I've seen -- since around that time.

HI countrymouse. Do you ever hear from or see comments from Captain? I used to see his comments a year or so ago... I stopped but am back, somewhat. How r u?

: )

I cry and no one hears.
My childhood nightmares have become my reality.
I smile hiding the pain behind my blue eyes.
Saying its just another day.

This hurt will be the end of me.
Should I lay in the pines in the silent night?

I cry and no one hears me.
The child in me has died.
I scearm and no one looks.

I will just lay in the pines.
In the silent of the night and let the cool breeze cover me.
Maybe than I will find my peace.

Just venting!!

Unitetogether, I oversee two two elderly ladies; mom and client/friend. 25 years with mom, 3 with client. 5 miles out of town of 3500, long ways from any larger town/city. Can be boring at times, especially in winter when there's ice and snow; so it sure feels like the "middle of nowhere".

DeeAnna, so glad you didn't get flooded; seems as if everyone else around did, doesn't it? A friend was at work in Nebraska today and said many roads around the area were closed, may not be able to get back here soon.

Music and what a great escape it can be. Took a few moments to listen to Wichita Lineman by Glen Campbell and think the strings are sweeping and beautiful. He looks a lot like my dad. Bittersweet. Don't make music like that today.

Nebraska is the #1 state in the US for state percentage of Agricultural land (91% of NE land is farm/ranch). Nebraska is the #2 state for beef production (just behind Texas) and ethanol. It’s #3 in corn, and 50% of our wheat crops are exported. And it’s #4 in the US for contributed Ag exports to the world market. 
It will take 1-2 months before many farmers can plant any crops because of the mud and huge blocks of ice lying in their fields from the ice jams.  We were lucky because our fields are on high ground and did not get flooded, but many of the roads to our fields did.

Mally1, hi. Yes I feel bad for them. Your in the middle of nowhere and taking care of a Loved one? Is that extra lonely or is that a silly question.

Wow! Looking at and reading about the flooding in Nebraska and Iowa; Lord have mercy..... In a lot of places it happened so fast the people couldn't rescue their horses (now I'm in tears), cows, or other livestock. Such devastation! Red River next is what they think in Fargo - think I'll sit here and be satisfied to be in a hilly place with no rivers, tornadoes, hurricanes, etc, even if it is in the middle of nowhere.

Our local newspaper had a cartoon of a person with binoculars telling a Sandhill Crane, "You're late."  The crane replied, "You try flying with snow on your wings."

[FYI: Thousands of Sandhill Cranes and Canadian geese and other birds stop overnight on the Platte River every February and/or early March on their way back to Canada.]

I know what you mean Shell38314. A Real Spring. Like it just passed us last year. Wish I could be more excited about nice weather coming however. Caregivers can't or it's hard for long to get out in the sun shine. Don't mean to be a downer, caregiving just sucks.

In the lilt of Irish laughter
You can hear the angels sing.

All I think about the last few days is spring. I have lots of projects to do...mostly replant my many Japanese trees...oh goodness, I hope we have a real sping and not go from cold weather to really hot weather like it has been the last 2 yrs. If I don't get to fixes my Jap garden this year I might lose my mind...LOL! Just can't wait for the warm sunny days:)

Yeah but, has anyone seen a daffodil, dancing with a fairy on a windy hill?

3 small sprigs of romaine at 5 in the morning.
Have not yet a clue about what to eat on my new program.
This should be a fun challenge!

Today I saw 2 small flocks of tundra swans, one robin and I'm sure I heard a killdeer - dare I hope?

Thx lu - no nap, just a hot bath and did my hair so I look and feel better. No chills today so I must be getting over it,

Hope you had a nice,long nap Golden & forget the housework for a while.It'll always be there~

No worries, lu. I put it away and feel a nap coming on. 💤

Don't overdo it Golden~Easy does it

On my mind - housework! I am getting over the flu and kinda left my mop where I was using it when I started to feel ill. Time to tidy up a bit.

I'm closing out of another group site. Hope this one gets more active. Hi everyone! Unite

A Grandmother was washed out to sea in Ireland.
Sitting on an iceberg throne, here son, take my picture!

Life preserver on it's way.....

I hear you, Cwillie!
Do you like orange, cherry, lemon, or lime lifesaver candy, or C H O C O L A T E ?

Still just treading water, no land in sight.

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