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If you are in the northeast you probably already have a duct system for your heating so I can't see any advantage of going with a ductless system. Many people here are going with heat pumps as an addition to their furnace system (although they are called heat pumps they are also air conditioners in the summer)

Isthisreal, we have heard and discussed the duckless unit. But haven't looked much father. It's definitely time the window conditioners are getting to heavy and annoying and loud, gives me a headache.

Also I'm thinking that the north east is heating up, summers are either getting hotter or the heat is bothering me more. Probably a bit of both

Well that's awesome to hear llama, I was just watching the news the pictures of tornadoes are so scary to even think about. I'm glad you are safe!

Llamalover, Praise The Lord!

Our area was under a tornado watch. The atmosphere provided no rotation, though.

Isthisreal, I will definitely, thanks!

Nacy, you should check into ductless mini-split systems.

Best air-conditioner/heater I have ever used. Not to mention they are super energy efficient.

We might get some rain. I hope we do to drop the temperatures down a bit.

I can imagine, now what that feels like, lol.

Been hot for the north east too. Got some storms coming in and it's cooling off nice!

We can't get central air because of are heat system, has no duck work. Really getting annoying putting the window AC in every year

This heat is horrible! Our heat index is over 100 degrees. The humidity is awful. We have been under a heat advisory. And it’s only May! August is brutal here!

dear nacy!

here's one... (not exactly a very cheerful one)

😊 "Remains to be seen if glass coffins become popular."

Some sad stories today! bumble we need some more jokes

🙂 “Thousands have lived without love. Not one without water.”


Sounds like your stepdaughter is getting her life back in order. I wish her well.

I love my daughter’s dog. He is so sweet.

We can easily dehydrate in our heat. I try to drink plenty of water. I keep plenty of water in the dog bowl for our grandpup.

Heads up to everyone and to remind are loved ones, drink water!

Seems to be a jump of UTIs around me. Second one I heard about this week.

I imagine it's because we are in are winter drinking mood, and the heat came on fast. So drink up!

I miss the huskies in my life, but me and my husband did what we did so my step daughter, would hopefully hit bottom, with her drinking and prescription drug issues.

It's been over a year and the things I hear through the grapevine, is the people I hear she is hanging out with now are not partiers or drinkers . So it's a huge start. That I'm happy to hear!

Her mom died young of liver cancer due to alcohol.

Maybe someday I'll be able to see the huskies again, without expecting to keep them forever.


Aww that's nice, yes they don't do well in heat. Have fun with them!

We have our daughter’s dog. It’s so hot outside. It’s too hot to take him to the park.

Our weather isn’t suitable for a husky this time of year. He needs some stimulation and exercise.

I think that I will fill up the kiddie pool that my daughter bought for him and let him play in there.

Maybe, I will take him out for a drive to a coffee shop to get a puppucchino. He loves those!

My boccie league starts in a week! I'm looking forward to it.

So sorry to hear of your GMs passing.

Blick ,

Sorry for the loss of your grandmother .


I’m so sorry for your loss. Wishing you peace as you grieve.

Blick, I am so sorry for your family's loss.

May The Lord give you grieving mercies, strength and comfort during this difficult time.

Blickbob, I'm so sorry for your and your moms loss. Sounds like your grandmother had a great healthy life, and will be dearly missed in your lives. 🙏🙏

blickbob - condolences and prayers for you and your mom. May you both have peace.

Blickbob, so sorry for your loss.
96 is a long life indeed but a hip # in that age group can fatal.
May she rest in peace.

blickbob: Deepest condolences.

Me and my mom found out last night that my grandmother has passed away. Things were progressing well with her rehab following the hip procedure and she was still as lively as she had been. According to her nurse at the NH when she called to break the news, there might've been something heart-related that led to her passing. When I get more details, I'll pass them along.

She was 96. She was able to live a long life despite dealing with alzheimer's, dementia, and diabetes during the autumn and winter of her life. It wouldn't surprise me if she goes down as the resident who lived at her NH the longest amount of time. Next month would've marked 13 years since she was admitted.

I lived to see 3 of 4 grandparents and my last remaining grandparent is gone. She was the last surviving relative of mine born during the 20s and when it comes to elders from both sides, I'm now down to a great-uncle from my dad's side of the family. He recently turned 90.

Pray for me and my mom.

Lots of good exercises on YouTube as well, but you want to be careful about doing stuff without being assessed I think at a certain point, AA.

Thanks Alva, 🙂 yes I'm not against doing the work, pt it is a great idea. It has been an ongoing process. I will say one day I was talking to a friend, and I was thinking she got shorter but it was more I was standing taller.

So I've made a lot of progress, but trying to amp it up.

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