
My mother is one of the most miserable humans on Earth, and has been for years. Whenever anyone has asked her "How are you doing?", for as far back in my memory as I can reach, I can never remember her saying "I'm fine". Now she's smoked herself to death. She has COPD, CHF, steroid-induced diabetes, a colostomy, osteoporosis, bone spurs in her neck, neuropathy in her limbs, brittle skin that tears at the drop of a hat...the list seems endless. She refuses to get out of bed to try to exercise to keep up any strength, and wants me to do more and more and more for her.

She's in the hospital right now because of a fall last week. She says her knees gave out.

I don't think it's so horrible that I just want this woman to finally have some peace, and yes, honestly, for the rest of us around her to have some as well. The discord and disharmony this narcissist spreads with her always ALWAYS negative attitude takes a toll. She will never change, and her health will only continue to go downhill.

I realize that I don't get to make the decision of when she goes, but I will admit that I do want her to. I think it's the only way she'll finally be "fine".

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I don't want my mom to pass, but I secretly want much of my family, and there issues out of my life for good and the only way for that to happen is for my mom to not be in my life.

When she passes, they will be outta my life and that part I'm really looking forward to.

Why my sister has to pick this week to cause her drama ,when mom is already not herself because her favorite is out of the country is beyond me!!

You would think she would want to pitch in and help, not make my life harder
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to Anxietynacy

When mom had her heart attack, on day one, I dropped everything and drove up to be with dad. On the drive there, I called my friends to have them pray for her.
For five days, I would load up dads wheelchair and we'd take the drive to the hospital. 
Mom was in a medically induced coma, and dad would get so upset seeing her that way. So I'd ask if he wanted to stay, and in tears, he'd say, "No, I can't see her like this." we really didn't think she would die. So we'd leave and repeat the process the next day.
On day five, they started the process of waking her up, and that morning, the nurse told me she was doing good. Great news, So, I lined up a cab company to take dad to visit her because I needed to get back home and back to work set things back in order and I'd come back soon to visit with her.
I had only about two hours left in my drive home when the nurse called and said mom crashed, and they were trying to get her back (not her words, honestly I can't remember exactly what she said)Then I got another call, the doctor asked me if I wanted them to continue and I said no.... I'm in tears remembering this.. I've only told my daughter and a few friends, I felt like I killed her.
I called my friends again and said, "Please pray that God will take mom if she's going to be in a vegetative state." The docor called me back within minutes, God took her home.
The guilt I felt at being so selfish, putting my work and family before my mom lasted weeks. Everyone can tell you no you also have a life to live, doesn't help in the moment. But they are right.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to Kwiemer
Sierramikewhisk May 20, 2024
You were not selfish. You were selfless . No one wants to live in a vegetative state.
big hugs my friend.
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if you are a terrible person, than so a I. I have lost count of the times I have sat and tearfully prayed for dad to go peacefully in his sleep. I don’t want him to die, I want the miserable existence that has become his life, to end. I want to still be able to remember the memories of him as a healthy man, as a not so perfect but still my daddy, dad, to still exist before they are completely erased & replaced with the negative, horrible & hateful ones he has burned into mine & my families brains over the past 4 years. I want his depression and frustration to die. I want his anger & outburst to stop.

I don’t want to die, I just want him to be at peace so that he isn’t suffering anymore
Helpful Answer (6)
Reply to Sierramikewhisk

My mom is almost 89. Her husband has been gone for 5 years. Her brain is starting to fail her. She is so ready to be done and I completely get this. A friend said, " you know how there are prayer circles to pray for someone's recovery? There should be prayer circles called, Lord Take Them Now." I pray for my mom to leave this world. It's what she wants.
Helpful Answer (10)

We don't want them gone, we want there pain gone. Physical and emotional, physical pain, that's a given, but the emotional pain is the pain that we don't see. And the pain they are begging us to help them with but we can't, because we can only do so much and they are looking at us as the only ones that can relieve that, and that is impossible. We can not do the impossible.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to Anxietynacy

in general, not wrong, I will support you
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to strugglinson

I agree with you. My mother stays in bed and only gets up to eat and go to the bathroom (which of course I have to clean up afterwards). She's now having accidents in public and I carry gloves, trash bags, wipes, diapers and two sets of clothes to change her. She has no life, which means I have no life. She has outlived all of her friends, has outlived all of her siblings, has turned extended family away and I have to bribe her with food to get her out the door. She also has myasthenia gravis; I describe it as she is committing slow suicide. Friends keep telling me I'm going to miss her. That may be, but I will have my life back and will finally be free of the albatross around my neck.
Helpful Answer (9)
Reply to uarew6

My husband and I prepaid our cremation expenses 25 years ago, but I may look into the parting stones thing. I agree--much easier to toss a stone into the ocean or nearby waterway. Totally eliminates "blowback".

OMG, indeed, about obesity and the too-small crematorium doors. Prompts me to think of a variation to the old schoolyard rhyme: "Person, person 2 x 4--can't fit through that final door!" Gallows humor!?
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to ElizabethAR37
sp196902 May 2, 2024
They have to cut up the body if it is too big for cremation.
My mother has been a wonderful mother, and yet I pray daily that she will die peacefully in her sleep before she reaches the later stages of dementia. I do feel guilty about it, yet I would pray the same thing for myself and would want others to pray for me if I were in her situation.
Helpful Answer (11)
Reply to Dogwood63
Anxietynacy May 2, 2024
Beautifully said
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I think “wanting her to die is a message that you’re exhausted and want to get on with your own life. You don’t want to go down with the ship, Who would? And that’s completely understandable. My father died from Alzheimer’s and people wondered why we weren’t crying more over him. The reality was we’d been crying for years. Rivers were overflowing with our tears. We were so relieved that our lives were no longer being bossed around by AD. And we were so horribly saddened when he died. So yes, it’s okay to express your feelings and grief. You’re being authentic. Take good care and be well.
Helpful Answer (13)
Reply to Debby70
Cheeky79 Apr 28, 2024
I feel the same way. My husband has been battling Alzheimer's for the past
5 years. I have been his sole caregiver
and within a year he has gotten much worse. He has been losing weight rapidly even though he eats 3 meals a day and now is just totally confused about everything. I am so exhausted and I feel the same way. There is no
quality of life for him or me. Its just
watching your loved one waste away.
So I know how people feel when they
wish for them not to be on this earth
anymore. I just don't get it. That is when
I question everything in life. Wishing all
the moms a happy mothers day.
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I understand. I have similar thoughts daily. And then I feel guilty. I’ve been caring for my mother for 20 years. It has always been difficult because she is a narcissist.
Helpful Answer (7)
Reply to Georgedl

First of all, I'm really touched by your beautiful words.

I once asked myself that same question. My uncle, who I had a really good relationship with ended up in the hospital with so much pain. He had to stay there for multiple months before he sadly passed away. He was in so much pain every day, so I asked myself the question if I needed to hope he died so all of it could end for him. But I loved him to much to start hoping for it. Had a rally hard time after he died, but luckily I had an amazing organisation who helped me with te best funeral I could've asked for. So after a few months I could move on knowing he had a beautiful 'goodbye'
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Sylvievk

I don't think it is.. Depending on the person, I mean if the person (your mother) is a terrible person then I dont see why that would be an issue that you wished she was dead. I truly wish my father was dead too. I hope he dies soon because he is a terrible human being. Thing is, even though he is overweight and smokes like a chimney he has perfect health! I am just saying you are not a bad person because you think life would be better without a negative toxic person. I hope things get better and you get some relief soon from your mother.
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to Shayshay318

Pour is 12 years old
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Reply to MACinCT
Rumbletown Apr 7, 2024
I think the topic is timeless, however, and hard for people to ask about fresh. I’m OK with it going on, personally.
I haven’t read the other responses, but no, I don’t think that it is. It is your human spirit yearning for liberation from an untenable situation.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to Danielle123

I suppose I will put my two cents in here. I think it is less about them wanting to die and more about wanting them to be out of pain. I think a lot of people fail to recognize when we have a ill loved one we are in anticipatory grief. When we know an LO is sick, we are living in pre-grief limbo. I have had this going on with Mark for about two years now and a therapist helped me recognize why it's driving my depression so hard. I could give other examples that are not human related, I have known a couple times that my dogs were getting old and ill and that they had very little time, so I was in pre-grief. I recognized many signs in Polly I had recognized in Mija and Polly died right before Mark went into the hospital this last time.

We just want to do what we really have no power to, make the pain stop, make the illness stop and see the person return to some type of health. I know I had a dream the other night that Mark had both of his legs and was walking. He had a leg amputated, so he'll never have his natural legs, but that is my mind trying to tell me what I really want is for there to be the normal I used to know versus the reality.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to DoggieMom86

My mother is 75, has inflammatory breast cancer (very rare) since 2016 and tbh it's been hell. She has severe lymphedena in left arm lending it useless.She is living with me now as she can no longer live alone. Is now on hospice and of course that means all tx have been stopped as there was negligible improvement with them. She's comfortable in her surroundings but is miserable as the cancer has metastasized to her skin with a vengeance. She has dressings everywhere due to the tumors, drainage etc. Its heartbreaking for me as mom has always always been the strong one. The go to my rock and best friend. I long for her to pass in her sleep for both of us. Wrong? I don't think so. I think it's normal for children to want their parents not to suffer. God bless. Prayers
Helpful Answer (8)
Reply to Lwayne
Shayshay318 Apr 9, 2024
I am sorry to hear about your mother, my mom had lymphedema that was not caused by Breast Cancer, it was genetic I think, and I am showing signs of it :( I don't think its wrong at all... there are two reasons you want your parent to die: because they are suffering and you don't want them to suffer anymore or 2- because they are toxic and miserable. Your mom is because you don't want her suffering. I hope she will transition peacefully soon and be out of pain.
I am already grieving for my parents. Both are incapacitated. They have so many health issues while in their 80's. The multiple hospital trips and procedures are very hard on them. I personally hope they die in their sleep. I know it sounds cold, but why should they have to go through so much sickness before it's their time to pass? I love my parents so much, but enough is enough. I just continue to wait and wait until I get the call.
Helpful Answer (7)
Reply to Onlychild2024
LauraL271 Mar 30, 2024
Onlychild2024, I understand how you feel. When they have so many health issues, it is a terrible ordeal for them and also for you. You have my sympathy.

I have already grieved for my parents too. Very sad that my dad is completely out of it as he has dementia and his yoyo wife keeps getting him treated for every little thing; he would be better off if she would let him pass on.

Very sad, too, that my mom has become so mentally ill that she has been nothing but hateful and abusive to me for the past 7 - 10 years. And makes up all sorts of things and has turned most of my cousins against me. She also gets every little thing treated even though she told me last year that she wasn't enjoying life.

I long for them to be gone. People live way too long these days.
I completely understand and I have the same feelings...if an elderly person is so miserable in themselves and there is no quality of life then I do not see the point in that person living.
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to LILLY77

I am so hearing you re this subject. I too have a miserable/challenging mother who sadly is a burden. I long to do a runner from being her carer and sounding board, but don't bcoz I don't want to leave the burden of it all to my sis. Yup it's tough and I feel for you. I now see her much less and if she's in a particularly foul mood I make excuses to leave. I'm starting to loathe her tbh and sometimes dream of shoving a pillow over her head, oops, did I just say that 😬😆. Feeling for you and sending you virtual hugs and strength
Helpful Answer (6)
Reply to Goingbatty
NeedHelpWithMom Mar 22, 2024
Love your screen name. So appropriate for a caregiver that is frustrated and exhausted!
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Thinking about a couple of posts about funerals, I think there is a lot going for cremation – more than not taking up far too much land for cemeteries, and upsetting people when very old graves get pushed aside to make room for the new dead.

The funeral service can be much the same for burial and cremation. For burial it’s normally in a church, with all the fixed religious rhetoric, plus the mental stuff for people who don’t go along with the religious assumptions (like rising from the dead and meeting mom and dad). Then for burial, you all move to stand around a hole in the ground, everyone gets emotional, then you listen to the clods of earth plonking on the coffin, and wonder how long the coffin will keep the rot and worms out. It wrings every last misery out of the experience.

For cremation, the coffin sinks down on a lift, collecting the ashes takes place later without ceremony, and the family decides what to do with them, when. I’ve never favored keeping them on the mantelpiece, I prefer scattering in the sea or a river, but there are lots of options. You choose who will be present, invitations are rarely provided to 70 year-old ex-spouses who turn up dressed like teenagers, and you play it however you want.

Let’s hear it for cremation!
Helpful Answer (8)
Reply to MargaretMcKen
NeedHelpWithMom Mar 8, 2024
I definitely want to be cremated!
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I read this on another thread:

“My Mother is so inconsiderate of everyone. She has always been a very caring, warm person. In the past 2 years I don't even recognize her. She says hurtful things, argumentative, and demanding. I feel sad that after having a wonderful , warm relationship all our lives, now I don't even want to spend time with her, but I do.”

My mom just died 6 days ago, and the above is exactly how I felt. I did want her suffering to end, her feeling of not being able to breathe and the fear that went with it. Also, the extreme difficulty of toileting and the anxiety and embarrassment it caused her. Also, aches and pains and the start of a pressure sore.

But if I’m honest, “I” wanted my life back. My husband, my children, my aging/sick dog, my health, my house and my job all were on the back burner. Every waking hour, even when I wasn’t there, was consumed with her. I would even wake up in the night thinking I was there, with a frantic thought like ”did I turn her oxygen back down!”

It would have been ok in the shorter term, but after the 6 month mark came and went it was too much. This being after about 4 years of caring for her from 10 miles away, as she got worse and worse. Someone on here also asked, was it right to save someone’s life? We did that a couple times, too. Only to become her bedside nurse, as she was bed bound the last 6+ months.

If she had lived another month she would have ended up in a care facility. She would have fought it, hated it and been furious at me. So if I’m brutally honest, yes, I did want her to die, which is hard to admit.

Tomorrow is her funeral, and my pastor will give a lovely eulogy and pay tribute to the loving, caring person she once was. It won’t be mentioned that she installed the buttons to press to invoke the FOG. Everyone will tell me what a wonderful daughter I am. I’m dreading it like the plague. I’m just going to steel myself and say thank you and think of all you supportive people who truly understand these complex emotions. I appreciate you all very much.
Helpful Answer (21)
Reply to LilyLavalle
overwhelmed21 Mar 8, 2024
This is so heartfelt. You have spoken for so many of us. My sincere condolences for your loss. No regrets!! ❤️❤️
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I hear you Mid. I pray every night for mine to be released from their broken bodies too. Something has to give in my neck of the woods. I cannot stand watching this anymore.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to Hothouseflower
NeedHelpWithMom Mar 8, 2024
I think everyone wants a peaceful death for themselves and their families. Personally, I want the strongest meds available to me provided by hospice!
I prayed every day for a year that my MIL could be taken 'home'.


And I felt no guilt nor anything like unto it. She was miserable and making everyone around her miserable. Now she's gone and slowly--so slowly, I see my DH coming out of HIS year long depressive funk---b/c he was roped (though FOG) to help care for this woman.

She's out of that sick body and her mind is at rest. Now for the people she damaged in life to find some similar kind of peace.
Helpful Answer (12)
Reply to Midkid58
Onthehill Mar 17, 2024
Totally get what you’re saying. I’ve been using Neville Goddards “technique”. He talks about praying as if you have already received by creating a scene in your imagination that implies the wish or prayer is fulfilled. You don’t think of what you want, you think from it. I imagine myself sitting in the grass next to her grave marker. It currently has my dads name and date of birth and death. I look down and see my moms name and date of birth…then in my minds eye I see 2024 added under her name as the year of death. This technique has worked for so many other things.
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I forgot to mention that she is not interested in getting home health care at all and don't even mention skilled nursing, so I have some challenges ahead of me....
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to PoodleLover23

I have felt this way all week as I care for my Mother who has yet another UTI. She seems to be gradually getting worse, losing more mobility each day, and I'm afraid she's going to be bedfast soon and I don't know what to do. I hate to see her miserable and suffering.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to PoodleLover23

This is a perfectly normal feeling.Who in their right mind likes to watch such suffering especially a family member?
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to Bubba12345

I think it’s totally normal to think this. My mom wakes up crying wishing she was dead. Depressive, paranoid then aggressive. She’s 90. Her sisters passed at 97, 95 and 92 with dementia. I’m dreading I’ll be in this situation with her for 7 more years. She’s physically strong, only issue other than dementia is high blood pressure. She’s 4ft 11 and 104lbs. When she becomes aggressive she gets full of adrenaline and does a good job attempting to beat the daylights out of me. One of her sisters that is still living and also has dementia, attacked her husband. She was arrested!
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to Onthehill
Di1961 Feb 18, 2024
😩❤️‍🩹😥. I’m dreading my mom & I will be going through this for years. She will be 85.
I feel like you do.
Helpful Answer (7)
Reply to Di1961

I have felt the same way this week. My mother lost her mind and I just think how much better off she be if she just died. And how much better off I would be because I am watching the person she was die and this person moving around not my mother her mind is gone.
Helpful Answer (11)
Reply to Marlo1234
buffyintexas Feb 20, 2024
well i do feel blessed that my mom did die. she had alzheimer’s for many years. i tried to bring joy when i could. mostly chocolate did the trick but they are still in there. i felt like mom was trapped in her own brain. so i have not been sad much for her passing but glad for her 🕊
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