Caring for a Spouse

  • My Wife’s Alzheimer's Transformed Our 40-Year Marriage

    When my wife was diagnosed with Alzheimer's, we thought our life, as we knew it, was over. But we've encountered some unexpected blessings along the way.

  • Caregiving's Toll on Marriage: A Personal Story

    Taking care of a husband with cancer while raising three kids younger than ten was a future I never expected when we first said "I do."

  • 4 Steps for Successful Long-Term Care Planning With a Spouse

    As a couple, facing the financial and emotional requirements of long-term care is a challenge. Here are the four steps to successful long-term care planning with a spouse.

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  • Spousal Impoverishment: Medicaid Spend-Down Rules for Married Couples

    Medicaid spend-down rules for married couples are different, depending on where each spouse lives. When one still lives at home, known as the “community spouse,” they can often keep more assets and income to avoid what is called spousal impoverishment.

  • My Husband Has Dementia: Another Day With Charlie

    My husband has dementia. I have mixed feelings every time I hear his cane hit the floor in the morning. I dread the day that I can no longer cope and he has to go into long-term care.

  • Dementia Poses Unique Intimacy Challenges for Spousal Caregivers

    Caring for a spouse with dementia forever changes the nature of your relationship. How do you cope when your husband’s personality has changed dramatically or your wife doesn’t remember you or the years you’ve enjoyed together?

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  • How Caring for a Spouse Can Strengthen Your Bond

    Transitioning from a partner to a caregiver brings forth a host of emotions. A wife shares her struggle with deciding to be her husband’s primary caregiver and making the best of every day with him.

  • Assisted Living for Couples: Can Couples Live Together in Senior Living Communities?

    Moving to a senior living community is always a significant life change. When couples can remain together, the transition may become a little easier.

  • Mourning the Death of a Spouse

    The death of a spouse is one of the single most traumatic losses anyone can experience no matter the age. As the grieving process progresses, there comes a time when a senior needs to plan for the future. Explore the grieving process and some tips for moving forward.

  • Andropause: A Taboo Topic for Many Men

    Men’s testosterone levels decrease with age, resulting in a number of mental and physical changes. A mental health counselor examines the causes and effects of these hormonal changes and the controversy surrounding the male aging process.

  • Caregiving Decisions Can Be Heartbreaking

    Since my husband's hospitalization, the amount of care he requires has become overwhelming. Providing home care myself is no longer a viable option, and deciding what path to pursue next was one of the hardest decisions I've ever had to make.

  • Dementia, Caregiving and Alcohol Abuse

    My husband's dementia confused brain has allowed for some new strategies in tackling the alcohol use in our household. It is a daily struggle.

  • Alcohol and the Elderly

    Caring for my husband with dementia is complicated by his drinking. Charlie drinks wine to drown his sorrows, making his dementia worse and causing him to fall. But things have changed for the better since I decided to put my foot down.

  • Conversations with a Dementia Patient Can Be Frustrating

    Caregiver Blog: Sometimes I get so frustrated when trying to talk with my husband with dementia that I end up ignoring him and reading a book. I don't want to hurt him, but there comes a point when I just can't take it anymore.

  • Applying for Veterans Benefits: 5 Tips for Caregivers and Spouses

    Whether you’re looking to help an aging loved one apply for veterans benefits and/or manage their payments and VA health care, the following tips are crucial to successfully navigating the VA system.

  • Getting a Loved One to Wear Their Hearing Aid

    Charlie just got a hearing aid, which he desperately needed, but I can't convince him to wear it.

  • A Spouse’s Experience: Caring for a Loved One with Parkinson’s Disease Psychosis

    Hallucinations and delusions are troubling symptoms that can develop in the mid to late stages of PD. A spousal caregiver shares her experiences with her husband’s psychotic episodes in order to raise awareness of this little-known facet of the disease.

  • Bathing Assistance: Our First Encounter with a Home Health Aide

    My husband with Alzheimer's hasn't showered in six weeks. The excuses for his refusal to bathe have become legendary. I hired a home health care worker to help with hygiene- here's how it went.

  • Nothing is Simple for the Disabled

    For Charlie and me, basic things like getting a haircut are now far from effortless. I can tell that our outings aren’t going to get any easier, and I’m worried about what the future holds.

  • Caring For Those in Chronic Pain: How Spouses Cope

    Becoming the primary caregiver for a spouse in chronic pain goes beyond what might be easily imaginable. Asking for help, staying social, and using humor are just a few of the many valuable suggestions for this difficult task.

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