Family & Relationships

  • Should Your Elderly Loved One Move in With You?

    Moving an aging parent in with you can be complicated. A realistic approach toward multigenerational living will help you determine how living with an elder will affect the entire family dynamic.

  • How to Deal With Aging Parents’ Difficult Behaviors

    Whether you are dealing with an angry, hostile elder or seeking answers on how to deal with irrational aging parents, we’ve compiled 10 difficult behaviors that elders exhibit and tips for coping with each of them.

  • Elders Who Abuse Their Family Caregivers

    Caregivers struggle to maintain their own physical and mental health while providing care for loved ones who mistreat them. Learning to detach, set boundaries, seek respite care and respect your limits can help you cope with an elder’s abusive behavior.

  • Siblings Who Feel Shut Out of Caregiving

    While MIA siblings are the overwhelming norm, some families have very different experiences. This article offers a glimpse into another perspective on caregiving: that oft maligned long-distance siblings may actually be excluded by primary caregivers.

  • Handling Controlling Elderly Parents

    Are you caring for a senior who tries to control everything and everyone around them? Use these tips to cope with their overbearing behavior while maintaining your own physical and mental health.

  • Involving the Grandkids in Caring for Elderly Parents

    One of the most remarkable and enduring human relationships in our society is between grandparents and their grandkids.Your children may be an important addition to your caregiving team.

  • Elders and Sex: Is it Ok for Elderly in Nursing Homes to Have Sex?

    Is it OK for elderly people in nursing homes to have sex? What happens when your elderly mom or dad falls in love with another senior at the nursing home or assisted living facility? When there's promiscuity in the nursing home, where do staff step in?

  • Getting Your Siblings to Help With Caregiving

    Caregiving responsibilities are seldom distributed among adult children equally. Use these communication techniques to convey the gravity of this role and convince your siblings to help care for your aging parents.

  • How to Keep Seniors Active and Engaged

    If a senior’s abilities have waned, it can be challenging to find ways to adapt or replace the pastimes they once loved. In some cases, there is no encouraging or convincing an elderly loved one to remain active.

  • Caring for Aging Parents Who Didn’t Care for You

    For those who endured abusive and neglectful childhoods, caring for elderly parents can reopen old wounds and cause new trauma. Choosing whether to participate in a parent's care is tough, but you do have options.

  • 9 Ways Caring for Parents is Different From Caring for Children

    Many people mistakenly compare child rearing to caring for an aging parent, but, as many caregivers know, these two tasks couldn’t be more different.

  • Forgiveness Helps Us Live and Die with Serenity and Peace

    When a loved one is facing the end of life, families often experience a whirlwind of emotions. A hospice chaplain explains the techniques he uses to help family members understand and forgive one another and get through trying times together.

  • Thoughts on Dementia Care, Relationships and Being a Burden

    I frequently think about what the future holds for my wife Marja and me. I am afraid of one day becoming a burden to my family, but I actively try to focus on the present instead of the unknown.

  • Why So Many Long-Married Couples Die Close Together

    Stories about long-married couples who die close together often make the news because they remind us that, ideally, marriage is for eternity.

  • How I Stopped Resenting My Siblings as a Family Caregiver

    A caregiver explores how she let go of anger, resentment and jealousy toward her siblings that was damaging her family relationships and hindering her ability to care for her aging parents.

  • Preventing Familial Estrangement

    Familial estrangement and incidences of parent and grandparent alienation seem more prevalent than ever. But there are ways to help keep your family together.

  • Do We Really Become More Trusting as We Get Older?

    New research shatters the myth of the cranky, aging cynic. But is becoming more trusting as we get older a good or bad thing?

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  • Thoughts on Love and the Impact of Caregiving

    Caring for an aging family member can turn everything you think you know about love upside down. Issues surrounding love and caregiving are common topics of discussion in AgingCare's online community.

  • Adult Children Sue Caregiver and Get Unpleasant Surprise

    When a group of adult children tried to sue their father's partner and caregiver, they received a shocking verdict. This cautionary tale exemplifies how misusing a power of attorney can have serious legal and financial consequences.

  • 10 Unforgettable Pieces of Wisdom from Grandparents

    To celebrate our elders’ sage advice, we asked members to share the most memorable lessons they've received from their grandparents.

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