Elderly Guardianship

  • What To Do When Elderly Parents Refuse Assisted Living

    What's a caregiver to do when their elderly parent refuses assisted living or nursing home care but isn’t safe at home? In some cases, guardianship may be an option.

  • Getting Your Affairs in Order: Preparing for the Possibility of Dementia

    Encouraging aging loved ones to plan ahead legally and financially can make it easier for a trusted individual to step in and help them should they lose the ability to make decisions due to an unexpected diagnosis like Alzheimer’s disease or dementia.

  • How to Get Guardianship of an Elderly Parent

    If an aging loved one has not named a durable power of attorney and is losing their ability to think clearly and handle aspects of their daily life due to a medical condition like dementia, it might be time to seek legal guardianship.

  • What Are the Duties of a Guardian for the Elderly?

    A legal guardian can be responsible for overseeing an incompetent elder’s personal well-being, financial well-being or both. These duties may seem straightforward, but guardianship is a very serious commitment.

  • Why a Letter of Competency Should Be Part of Every Senior’s Legal File

    Adding this one simple step when creating or changing a will, powers of attorney and other crucial legal documents can prevent unnecessary stress, legal problems and familial discord down the road.

  • Why Elder Law Attorneys Aren’t Just for Seniors

    Planning ahead benefits seniors and their family caregivers. Working with an attorney who specializes in elder law gives seniors peace of mind and allows family members to understand their roles and responsibilities before they must act on them.

  • What Is a Professional Fiduciary?

    When friends or family members are unwilling or unable to take responsibility for an elder's legal, financial and medical decisions, professional fiduciary services can ensure that their affairs are taken care of.

  • Legal Competency: When Is It Too Late to Create a Will, Trust or POA?

    It is crucial to engage in proper legal planning with family members while they are still of sound mind. An elder law attorney outlines competency criteria that must be met in order to obtain valid legal documents before a crisis strikes.

  • Springing vs. Durable Power of Attorney: What’s the Difference?

    Power of attorney (POA) documents are an important part of a person's legal plans. The way a POA is written determines when it goes into effect and specifies what powers the agent holds.

  • 5 Common Legal Issues Caregivers Face

    Seniors and their caregivers are prone to many unique legal challenges. Learn about the most common elder law issues families face and why it's important to enlist the help of an elder law attorney in a senior's care planning.

  • Can a caregiver get temporary guardianship over an elder?

    If your mother is no longer able to provide care for your father and he is not competent to sign a durable power of attorney, petition the court to appoint a legal guardian and conservator.

  • Why Your Aging Parents’ Finances Are Your Business

    Speaking with your parents about their financial future isn’t an easy thing to do. However, a bit of planning and candid conversation will prevent unnecessary complications if someone needs to step in to manage their affairs.

  • How to Protect Your Credit With a Security Freeze

    Data breaches are increasingly common, and it’s likely that your sensitive information has already been exposed at some point. Be proactive and thwart identity thieves by freezing your credit.

  • Selling Your Elderly Parent's Home When They Have Dementia

    Many adult children are faced with the prospect of selling their parents’ homes to pay for their care. This may make sense financially but can be legally complex. Here’s what a caregiver should know before trying to sell their aging parent's home.

  • Self-Neglect in the Elderly: Knowing When and How to Intervene

    Most people are aware that seniors can be very vulnerable and are common targets of scams and abuse. However, there is another equally serious threat to the elderly that receives far less attention: self-neglect.

  • Can a Caregiver Change or Resign Power of Attorney Responsibilities?

    There are a few legitimate reasons why family members may want to change an aging loved one’s power of attorney designation, or remove themselves from their responsibilities as POA.

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