Prostate Cancer in the Elderly

  • I'm 'Celebrating' 20 Years with Prostate Cancer!

    The cancer diagnosis over 20 years ago was pretty scary. After the prostatectomy, cancer cells remained. But the cancer—at least so far—has not been among my biggest health concerns.

  • An Overview of Prostate Cancer

    Prostate cancer is the second most common type of cancer among men in the U.S. Only skin cancer is more common. Out of every three men who are diagnosed with cancer each year, one is diagnosed with prostate cancer.

  • Prostate Problems in Elderly Men

    Prostate problems are very common for seniors. The older males get, the more likely they are to be affected by this issue.

  • What precautions can be taken to prevent prostate cancer?

    While there is no easy way to guarantee someone will avoid the development of prostate cancer, there has been much research lately that, at the very least, can help the odds.

  • Medical Tests for Prostate Problems

    Prostate glands tend to grow larger as men age. How do you know if you have prostate problems? There are many different medical tests that diagnose prostate problems in elderly men.

  • The Mediterranean Diet: A Big Reason Why I Feel as Good as I Do

    The more I read, the longer I live, the more I understand the critical role that DIET plays in our well-being. I'm lucky: I LOVE following the Mediterranean diet, and a local Lebanese restaurant / carry-out makes it easy for me.

  • Find Care & Housing
  • Bladder Control: More is Not Always Better

    One of the challenges in caring for my spouse became his "going" problem. He was emptying his bladder constantly – at least every hour. We evaluated his prostate, got medical attention, and most importantly adjusted his fluid intake.

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