Veterans Benefits

  • Understanding the VA Home Care Program

    The VA’s Homemaker and Home Health Aide program provides home care for veterans, which includes assistance with personal care and daily activities.

  • Applying for Veterans Benefits: 5 Tips for Caregivers and Spouses

    Whether you’re looking to help an aging loved one apply for veterans benefits and/or manage their payments and VA health care, the following tips are crucial to successfully navigating the VA system.

  • Needs-Based VA Benefits Get New Eligibility Rules

    2018 updates to VA eligibility rules use net worth limits, spend-down restrictions and a lookback period to determine eligibility for benefits like the basic veterans pension, aid & attendance pension and survivors pension.

  • 10 Important Facts About VA Burial Benefits

    U.S. veterans are entitled to VA burial benefits that can help their surviving family members defray funeral costs. Learn how the VA can give veterans the memorial services they deserve.

  • VA Pension Provides Veterans With Supplemental Income

    Learn how a tax-free monetary benefit from the VA can help financially needy veterans make ends meet.

  • Veterans Benefits for Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care

    Veterans with Alzheimer's disease or other forms of dementia may be eligible for certain benefits and services from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Some current and surviving spouses of veterans may qualify for limited VA support as well.

  • VA Benefits for Veterans and Their Caregivers

    U.S. veterans (and their families) are entitled to many government programs and benefits in exchange for their service to our country.

  • VA Aid & Attendance Pension Helps Veterans Cover the Costs of Long-Term Care

    A tax-free monetary benefit from the VA can help low-income veterans who require the aid and attendance of another person pay for care services in their own homes and in residential settings like assisted living facilities and nursing homes.

  • Take the Guesswork out of Funeral Arrangements

    Frank discussions about final arrangements are wise to have at any age. Use these strategies to broach the subject and develop comprehensive funeral plans for yourself and your aging loved ones.

  • How to Pay for Home Care

    Home care payment options include Medicare and Medicaid plans, but VA benefits and long-term care insurance may also help pay for care.

  • Methods of Payment and Financing Options for Assisted Living

    Most seniors cover assisted living costs with savings, Social Security, retirement funds, and home equity. Some government programs and financial tools may help, too.

  • How to Get Paid to Be a Caregiver for Parents

    Interested in taking care of elderly parents at home and getting paid? There are many resources that pay family caregivers for their services.

  • 8 Government Resources Every Caregiver Should Know About

    Federal, state and local governments offer many services and benefits for seniors and their caregivers, but few people know these resources exist or how to access them. This is your go-to guide for elderly assistance programs.

  • Veteran-Directed Care Program Supports Living at Home

    The VDC program gives veterans who wish to avoid nursing home placement a budget for long-term care and control over the home and community based services they use—including paying family members to be caregivers.

  • The VA Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers

    Eligibility for the PCAFC has been expanded to veterans of all eras, which means that more caregivers may be able to receive benefits like counseling, respite, and VA stipends for providing care.

  • Veterans’ Surviving Spouses May Be Entitled to VA Pension

    Many spouses incorrectly assume that there is no longer VA assistance available after their veteran spouse passes away. Fortunately, a benefit called the survivors pension provides additional income to surviving spouses and their children.

  • Funeral Pre-Planning for Veterans

    Seeking a pre-need eligibility determination for VA burial benefits can help guide conversations about final arrangements, ensure a veteran’s wishes are fulfilled, and ease the burden on their surviving family members.

  • Testing the VA's Inpatient Care Services

    Charlie has been having some more health issues lately, which landed him in the hospital. We still aren't sure what's wrong, but the VA medical team has been proactive and thorough with administering tests and potential treatments.

  • The Home-Based VA Care Program

    Charlie recently fell ill, but we had a difficult time determining what was wrong. Our team from the Home-Based VA Care Program was punctual, determined, and considerate throughout the entire process, and for that I am grateful.

  • Help is Available for Veterans through the VA

    After one stint of my husband refusing to bathe for six weeks, I finally admitted to myself and his VA doctor that I needed some help at home. This is our incredible experience with the VA’s home-based care programs.

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