Therapy for Seniors

  • Accelerated Resolution Therapy May Help Family Caregivers Cope With Complicated Grief

    Caregivers and seniors may benefit from this little-known form of psychotherapy that targets the symptoms of prolonged grief and post-traumatic stress that can arise after a care recipient dies.

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  • Understanding Mental Health Issues in Seniors

    The diagnosis and treatment of mental illness in the elderly is challenging yet critical. Increasing awareness of the unique relationship between aging and psychiatric disorders is the first step toward improving mental health care for older adults.

  • Music Therapy for Alzheimer's and Dementia

    Certain songs and melodies can have surprising effects on individuals with Alzheimer's and dementia. Exposing your loved one to music therapy or recreational activities can jog their memory and be especially enjoyable for them in facilities and at home.

  • The Importance of Counseling for Caregivers

    Caring for an aging loved one is a mentally and physically demanding job. Learn how caregiver counseling can help you achieve emotional stability and provide quality care.

  • Grief & Bereavement Top Tips: Where to Find Grief Counseling and Support Groups

    Bereavement groups are an important therapeutic tool for gaining information, outside support and coping strategies when dealing with loss. We’ve compiled experienced caregivers’ best tips for seeking support after the death of a loved one.

  • How to Identify and Minimize Caregiver Burden

    The heavy burden of caregiving can gradually overwhelm even the most devoted and best prepared individuals. Take a caregiver burden assessment to determine your level of burnout and find resources to reduce the stress of caring for an aging loved one.

  • Find Care & Housing
  • A Typical Day in a Senior Rehab Facility

    After being hospitalized seniors are often prescribed a stay at an inpatient rehabilitation facility to help them get back on their feet. While the focus of their stay is rehabilitation, the services provided by a skilled nursing facility are not limited to therapy.

  • A Self-Help Approach to Coping with Caregiver Stress

    It’s easy to get caught up in caregiving and let your own needs take a backseat, but your physical and mental health directly affect the quality of care you provide. Put yourself first by learning how to prioritize self-care and prevent caregiver burnout.

  • How to Engage in Self-Care While Grieving

    Grief is an inescapable part of caregiving. We mourn an aging loved one’s physical and cognitive losses as they decline and eventually mourn their death. Self-care is vital to a caregiver’s physical and mental health throughout the grieving process.

  • Treating Menopausal Depression: What Works and What Doesn’t

    Menopausal depression is a common problem for aging women. There are a number of effective options out there for treatment for both menopausal symptoms in general and depression more specifically.

  • Is Using Validation for Dementia Calming or Condescending?

    Seniors with dementia often live in an altered reality that can sometimes be upsetting. Validating their perceptions and feelings is the kindest, most respectful way to handle confusion, hallucinations and delusions.

  • Coping With Caregiver Anger

    Feelings of anger, frustration and resentment are all too common when caring for an aging loved one. Identifying how you cope with these emotions can help you devise strategies for managing caregiver anger in healthier ways.

  • 5 Questions to Determine the Impact of Caregiving

    Many of us dive into caregiving with full hearts and little forethought. Doing some honest soul searching can help you sort out your priorities, set goals for your loved one’s care and establish your own boundaries.

  • Anxiety, Hoarding and OCD in the Elderly

    Anxiety can be a normal reaction to stress, but when a senior’s fears, worries and coping mechanisms negatively affect their daily activities, relationships and quality of life, it crosses over into a serious mental health condition.

  • Treatments for Depression in the Elderly

    Major depression is a serious but treatable condition. These are the four most effective depression treatment options that doctors recommend for seniors who are experiencing mental health issues.

  • An Overview of Physical, Speech and Occupational Therapy

    Physical therapy, Speech Therapy, and Occupational Therapy: Learn the different types of geriatric rehabilitation services available, where they occur, and what exercises are used to help improve a senior's functional abilities.

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  • 10 Ways to Prevent Caregiver Depression

    Family caregivers report much higher levels of stress and depression compared to non-caregivers, but caregiving and depression don’t have to be a package deal. Use these tools to combat low mood and find treatment options that are right for you.

  • Elderly Rehabilitation: Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy & Speech Therapy

    There are three main types of rehabilitative therapy for elderly people: physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy.

  • Caring for Aging Parents Who Didn’t Care for You

    For those who endured abusive and neglectful childhoods, caring for elderly parents can reopen old wounds and cause new trauma. Choosing whether to participate in a parent's care is tough, but you do have options.

  • Hydrotherapy with Mum

    I could tell Mum was nervous, but with her new bathing suit and some gentle encouragement, her confidence grew. Surprisingly, a day at the pool left her feeling marvelous.

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