
My 85 year old mother starting having back pain two weeks ago. The doctor took an xray only, one week ago. Today my mother woke up from the pain and that's when they said that she needs to be referred to a pain management clinic. Shouldn't there be other tests done to make sure that it isn't more serious?

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First of all ask the Dr what the X-ray showed.
My first gues is that in an 85 yr old it is likely to be some form of arthritis or even compressed vertebrae.
A pain clinic is not just somewhere that they dish out pain pills. They have lots of other tricks up their sleeves to help Mom. Give them a fair change change does not happen overnight
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More serious than your mother being in pain?

What have you in mind?

If your mother is showing other symptoms that are frightening you, such as weight loss, then tell her doctor about them and ask about additional investigations. Otherwise, as long as it won't take long for the pain clinic to see her, that sounds like a sensible plan to me.
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Jen, I think a referral to a pain clinic is a good approach, b/c it infers they're attempting to deal with pain now, before it gets any worse. The x-ray may have shown sometime that might be long term; I would ask your brother to get copies of the x-ray reports; if he's proxy under a medical power of attorney, he can do this.

It may also reflect the medical movement to decrease dependency on opioids. That's become a major concern, and from what friends in medicine are telling me, has resulted in less prescription of pain meds.
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Well, you could ask them why. Were you with your mom when she was x-rayed? Did you talk to them when they referred to the pain management clinic?

It seems like they don't see a cause for the pain that they can treat. But the dear woman needs some relief from pain, so let's have the experts on pain management work with her.

It is too bad the doctor didn't give you a more complete explanation. Or did the doctor only talk to your mother?
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Thank you Jeanne and Countrymouse. The doctor/ nurse communications are limited, long story. I live in CA and mom lives in IL. My brother lives with her and consults me on her care. I have since learned more about pain management clinic and am on board with that approach to my mothers care. Your support is greatly appreciated!
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GardenArtist, I agree with you. When I heard pain management clinic I immediately thought that it would be drugs. So once I investigated the clinic I am on board!
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