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If you haven’t seen a good (and by that I mean one who is compassionate and listens) gastroenterologist, then by all means make an appointment.
as you know stress can exacerbate and bring on symptoms.
My sister has had it forever IBS-D and has gone vegetarian and eliminated coffee but drinks tea.
Suddenly I was diagnosed 2 years go with Microscopic Colitis and it causes flare ups of diarrhea which can continue for weeks on end. They suggest eliminating certain foods and medication. Caffeine,alcohol, dairy, gluten, NSAIDS. It really is a shotgun approach because they don’t know what causes it. I do think it began when under a ton of stress from my dad and was on big doses of Aleve for pain.
A holistic approach is good: medication, diet, stress reduction, meditation etc. you can regain control.
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My dear husband took too much aspirin, hoping it would help his heart. It ended up irritating his intestines (aspirin can cause intestinal permeability). So be very careful with aspirin.
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My daughter was sort of "pigeoned holed" as having IBS. She started about 4 or 5. Over the years she has been able to pin point what causes her problems. Tomato Sauce is one. A few years back she found eggs kicked it off. She went on a Vegan diet and doesn't seem to have as many problems.
Helpful Answer (4)
Harpcat Dec 2019
Tomatoes are in the nightshade family and many of those can cause issues.
I have had IBS-D for about fifteen years now. It truly sucks, but you don't have it ruin your life.

My tips:

Get to know your trigger foods-Mine is oatmeal, Raisins, Regular milk, Bratwurst, wheat products, certain products that have aspartame, The list goes on. Trial and error is unfortunately the way to go.

Back a survival bag for when you go out of the house-I pack usually maxi pads (for leaky butt), Personal cleansing cloths, Peppermint gum (for those sick to my stomach moments), Imodium AD IBS relief (for those days where you constantly are running to and from the bathroom), clean underwear and pants. If you have a large sized bag, pack some depends, you never know when it's going to hit ya. If planning to use Imodium AD IBS relief, please consult with a doctor or pharmacist first. (This brand or the generic brand of the OTC medication will help with the pain.)

Get to know what is in certain foods, especially when dining out. Ask for the ingredients in the food that you are interested in eating. Some foods may okay to you but may have a few triggers hidden in them. Be sure to frequent places that are gluten friendly (ask around for suggestions.). Get to know the grocery store. Some grocery stores have a good sized organics and vegetarian food aisle. Ask for the store with the largest or best selection in Vegetarian and Organics products.

Be sure to get your colonoscopy! IBS sufferers have a increased risk of developing colon cancer. It sucks to get one but it's worth it in the end. I have had two in the last ten years and I feel so much better after doing them.

Make your own wipes: The ones I have made for these days consist of Viva paper towels, rubbing alcohol, Dr Bronners peppermint castile soap and heated distilled water. These are soft, don't rip and are gentle on your rear end. Way better than store bought baby wipes.

Request a card for using a bathroom: I have a IBS-D sufferer card that politely lets the owner of a store or business know that I need to use the bathroom. Some businesses will not allow you to use your bathroom and when you have an attack, hearing the words "No" is the not the thing you want to hear. I have the card and it works. Here's the link, I am not sure if they will send it to you: (you can also ask for a doctors excuse for you to use the bathroom in a business to carry with you when you are out and about.)

Some people that have IBS usually have to go on a antidepressant because this condition will never go away. If you feel hopelessness or depression, please see a doctor and ask him about anti-depressants.

Please don't isolate yourself because you have IBS, do go out and be with people. Being with people helps you deal with the situation a little bit better. Please don't let this condition end your social life-I have never let it ruin my life and I am living a full, active life.

If you need more info or just want to talk, feel free to Private message me. Sorry for the long read. I tend to get carried away when I am writing.

Keeping you in my thoughts.
Helpful Answer (8)
AlvaDeer Dec 2019
Triggers for me, too much wheat, too much pasta, etc. Bentyl is in my survival bag as it stops my cramps dead which also seems most often to stop the diarrhea. You are a warrior. Thanks for your write up.
I think with a dx. of IBS you are going to need to get over any phobias about public washrooms. Carry a disinfecting spray if you worry re "toilet seats". I don't know if you have ever tried citrucel but for me it is a godsend. It gives a daily BM that usually is in the a.m. if you take it at night, and it gives form and substance to stool so works well whether IBS-diarrhea or IBS constipation. Do NOT substitute metamucil, which is much like it but ferments differently in the bowel and for many IBS sufferers is a no no as it cause gas a lot. Another medication that works so well for me is dicyclomine (bentyl) which stops cramps and stops them fast. One or two 10 mg capsules as needed for cramping.
As a sufferer life long who let it rule my life for some years, afraid to go out to eat, out with friends, I found that the more honest I was with folks about the fact I take the seat on the aisle because..............and etc, actually let the whole stress of it let me go. And that helped it overall. I will say also that I got a case of diverticulitis years ago and had to take 10 days of cipro and of another drug I cannot remember the name of, and it seemed to change my bowel genome. Some people get intestinal overgrowth of bacteria, and this can make IBS worse. Wishing you good luck. There are so many more of us out there than you can imagine.
Helpful Answer (7)
Geaton777 Dec 2019
Alva thanks for the info. My 90-yr old mom has suffered with IBS her whole life (and is also very lactose intolerance as well). She takes metamucil but I will pass on your suggestion. My mom would also agree that taking certain antibiotics seems to change the bowel culture. She's tried eliminating certain foods that are triggers but nothing seems to make it go away completely. Because she won't take the prescription meds that supposedly address it, her internist has her take Imodium at the first signs of problems, and another if the first doesn't work enough. My mom's been satisfied with this strategy.
Life with IBS is challenging, even more so if it involves diarrhea.

I do not know why so many people do not like pooping in a public washroom. Everyone poops, hopefully every day. And poop is smelly and can be noisy, but is is a natural function. Many public buildings have single toilet rooms, either parenting, wheel chair or handi capped accessible. I look for those spaces, but will use the regular stall as needed.

I have been diagnosed with IBS for 20 years. It is basically a catch all diagnosis for there is something upsetting your digestive system. I have no choice but to poop in public toilets, or I would never leave the house. I have also had to pull over to the side of the road at times. Not fun, but the alternative of staying home is not an option for me. I need to work, I am going to school and I want a social life.

How long is a long time? Have you been in touch with a dietician to see if you can determine some or any triggers? Almost 3 years ago I met with a dietician who had me do an elimination diet. I already knew that dairy is not good for me and too much gluten in a day/week is not good either. I found other food triggers to avoid and it has made life a bit more manageable.

I discovered that I can eat Broccoli, but not cauliflower, nor Brussels Sprouts. I can eat cooked spinach, but not raw.

I do not let it keep me home. Each of the last 3 years I have gone on an extended trip, 7 weeks in 2017, 4 weeks in 2018 and 2019. Two of the trips were to Europe and one a 9000 km road trip in CA and US.
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There are medicines for different types of IBS. Ask your doctor which one would be good for you.
-All the best
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Make a doctor appointment. Best wishes to you. Hope you feel better soon.
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