
My mom has many health problems and very bad balance. She had a serious fall 2 years ago and now uses a walker all the time. She lives with me and my husband and provided assisted living for her. She acts very entitled, and it's like walking on egg shells constantly. Her mind is good, but she's always been a very emotional person. We include her in almost everything and our family is very close. My husband and I are taking our two sons to Hawaii (that was their choice destination) at the end of January for their doctorate graduation presents. However, there is no possible way my mom can make a 10 hour flight, and we've explained this to her in the past that she cannot fly. She loves Hawaii and has expressed she would love to go back. My question is, do we tell her we are going to Hawaii or tell her we are going somewhere else to save from the emotional outburst she will take? I'm losing sleep over this one. (I've arranged for my friend to stay at our house to help her out during our trip.)

Yes, absolutely. You will tell her the truth.
She is in no condition to make this trip and this trip is about your BOYS and about YOU.
This is their reward and yours as well.
It cannot be ruined with taking up all the time in caregiving.
It is time to tell the truth. It is time not to be bullied. You are, and need to be STAMPING those eggshells now, imho.

By the way, of COURSE she loves Hawaii. I love ITALY. Does that mean my daughter and son in law have to take my 82 year old bones along like some mummified Saint. It is a selfish thing she is thinking if she thinks to intrude on this trip of yours. If she tries to then this 82 y/o is wagging her finger and saying "shame".
Helpful Answer (13)
Reply to AlvaDeer
lealonnie1 Jan 8, 2025
Mummified saint......🤣😂😆😉
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My suggestion is to stop walking around on eggshells around your mother immediately! Being over emotional is taking a toll on YOU and has been for a long time, and now you're losing sleep over possibly upsetting her over a what should be a joyous occasion for everyone. Mother has to learn how to gracefully accept 2 things: old age and disappointment. For her to turn YOUR joy into an emotional outburst bc SHE'S too old to travel is the epitome of entitled selfishness. She needs medication to control her emotions if she'd like to continue the privilege of living with you, that's my opinion. Otherwise, there's an Assisted Living facility on every street corner, ma.

I grew up with a very "over emotional" mother and wound up being the parent to HER and walking on eggshells my whole life to avoid upsetting her! She needed a good psychiatrist and good meds her whole life but didn't get them until she was 88. And I said "I will do nothing for you again until and unless you take these antidepressants." So she did and calmed down significantly. And she STILL lived in Assisted Living where she paid others to put up with her particular brand of nonsense.

Yes, tell mom where you're going and do not apologize for it! You did not make her old or unable to travel or so sensitive she expects special treatment from everyone.

Have a great time the 4 of you and shut your phone off! Or I'll betcha $20 mom will have some invented emergency to keep you anxiety ridden the majority of the time. Congratulations to your dear sons too. Getting their doctorates is a cause to celebrate w/o interruption.
Helpful Answer (7)
Reply to lealonnie1

Tell the truth, enjoy your trip, and come back refreshed with a new determination not to walk on eggshells in your own home. She’s a grown woman with the issues that come with aging, it’s not unreasonable for her to know and accept truths, one of which is she cannot make the trip. There’s nothing to lose sleep over, celebrate your son’s accomplishments without casting a shadow on things with undeserved guilt
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to Daughterof1930
funkygrandma59 Jan 8, 2025
Amen! Well said Daughter.
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I would recommend purchasing trip insurance just in case your mom has an emergency (actual or imagined) that threatens to disrupt your trip.

If she's prone to emotional outbursts, it's not too far-fetched that she'll start "feeling sick" right before you're scheduled to leave.
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to Dogwood63

I think you should tell her, but only a few days beforehand so that she is not guilt-tripping you for the next few weeks.

Also, you really shouldn't need to walk on eggshells in your own home. It's not healthy for yourself or your marriage. Enjoy the trip to the max (yay, what an awesome gift, btw!), and then consider doing a reset when you get back in which you take your own needs into consideration more and are more assertive and direct (in a kind and tactful way) about your own needs when your mother acts too entitled. BUT, don't let dwelling over that overshadow the fun on your trip! You, your husband, and your children have earned this wonderful trip.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to MG8522
ElizabethAR37 Jan 8, 2025
OP and family should have a fantastic trip (how wonderful that the sons have earned doctorates!). I vote for NO eggshells upon return!!!
Enjoy your trip. I was in Maui Christmas week with my daughter and grandkids, it was great. I'd tell her after you come back. Why ruin your vacation with all the drama that would unfold.

And stop feeling guilty. You do a lot for your mom. You matter too, don't forget that.

And congrats to your kids!
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to Hothouseflower

Stop walking on eggshells about everything . If this is how you live in YOUR HOME , I suggest your Mom goes to live in assisted living if she has the funds .

Mom isn’t getting her doctorate , nor is she able to travel that far . It’s not your fault she got old . Don’t let her make it your problem .

My FIL tried this nonsense too . Wanted us to take him on an Alaskan cruise after his wife died because she never wanted to go to Alaska . Not my problem , he should have went without her years ago . I wasn’t taking an 88 year old with dementia , a walker , a wheelchair , a case of Depends on a cruise that I didn’t want to go on . He tried to guilt trip us but we don’t owe them vacations . He also had been on probably two dozen cruises already .
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to waytomisery

I think you should tell her the truth but don't build it up more than it needs to be. You're informing her that you and hubs are going on this special trip, just you 2 and your sons, as a gift to them. You've arranged for her care while you're gone. Give her the dates, etc. If she starts winding up, you explain how the demands of this trip are not appropriate for someone with her health issues and beyond what you're willing to manage so that you can have the most relaxed time with your sons possible.

You can then tell her that you promise to take her somewhere she'll enjoy and won't be so hard on her health at a later date. If none of this helps to tamp down the drama, then you get up and walk away, telling her you will discuss the trip for her when she's able to talk about it calmly. That's as much as you can do. Just keep walking away when she winds up. This is called "extinguishing" a behavior. Refuse to be pulled into a guilt trip.

I hope you have an enjoyable trip!
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to Geaton777
lealonnie1 Jan 8, 2025
Why should mother be promised a trip at all???
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Tell mom the truth. Someone will slip eventually, she'll find out the truth, and be hurt that you hid this from her. Who knows, maybe she'll be happy for you to be able to take this trip.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to graygrammie

Tell her and get the emotional outbursts dealt with now. If possible, offer a different family vacation at a later date that can include her.
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Reply to Taarna

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