
Searching for my brother in law.

His name is Geoffrey.

I am, asking on behalf of his sister, my wife.

We made a missing person report to VICPOL, but were told they could not help as they had an interaction with him 3 yrs ago.

His sister is seriously ill and would like to reconnect before it's too late.

We received information that Geoff was now a Diabetic and had lost a leg due to the disease. He is possibly in an aged care home in the Nth Fitzroy area of Melbourne!

After many, many phone calls to no avail, we now desperately NEED HELP to locate him!

Please! Please!

If we could get some information of his whereabouts, it would be greatly appreciated!

We live in Bendigo , Victoria,and,are both aged pensioners,both of us are restricted in our daily lives,and need help.!!

Thank you.

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David and Ellen:

Wishing you good luck, but those who don't wish to be found by families often are NOT found, even at the end. I am afraid death-bed scenes of loving redemption are more a thing in movies than in real life. You have your own lives to deal with and I would let this go myself.

We are merely caregivers, mostly located in the USA, but some in the UK, Australia and around the world. However, the likelihood of any of us having any information about your brother is like a needle in a haystack.

I think our thoughts and prayers will do little good for you, but you should hire a private detective in my own humble opinion. They are often VERY good today, as they do most of their work online. It is very difficult, if one is using one's real name, to disappear in this day and age. I wish you good luck. Do know you shouldn't put down private information on Forums, and this may get your post removed.
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I am so sorry but you have picked the wrong site. We are a forum primarily of US Caregivers. We have one Australian who posts regularly. We have a few Canadians and some from the UK.

There is no way we as lay people can help you. All I can say is if you have an idea where he is start making calls. Just ask for his room. Do not ask if he lives there. There maybe privacy laws. When they say no one here by that name, say sorry, I was told this is where he is and call the next place. Good Luck. Do update us if u find him.
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Please remove this post: we can't help you and you shouldn't be putting other people's private information onto a global, anonymous forum. Therefore, I have to report this post.
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