
What should be my response on this?

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change the subject by exitedly exclaiming that fist face is coming . when they eventually demand to know who " fistface " is , hit em right between the eyes with everything youve got .
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Philippines1988, how did the relative know that their Mother didn't have her evening meal? Where does the Mother live? Your profile notes a person living in a nursing home, is this the same person?

If it is the Mother who saying she didn't get an evening meal and she is living in a nursing home, chances are she did get a meal, she just doesn't recall.

If that is the case, just tell the relative that their Mother is just saying that to get attention. Some elders do that thinking that might convince the grown children to take her out of the nursing home and bring her home.

My Mom did that when in long-term-care. And my Dad, who is in senior living, will remark he didn't have breakfast or lunch when I know he did as his morning caregiver always prepares those meals for him.
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thank you much for the answers.yes fregfyer it is a same person she is living in a nursing home
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If I visit my mother in the nursing home and ask her what she had for lunch she might say "I don't think I had lunch." If I come in right after she has finished her breakfast and I see crumbs on her placemat she might tell me she is waiting for her breakfast. I'll ask the staff and find out she has eaten. I get her a piece of toast.

Sometimes a person with memory problems truly does not remember meals. It may absolutely nothing to do with seeking attention. They just forget.

The important thing is to know they are getting their meals and are being looked after. If other relatives do not understand the situation and belief she is not getting her meals I hope you can gently explain it to them.
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