
Two years age my sister secretly obtained POA over mom and had her declared incompetent to make decisions. She secretly (at first) moved her to independent living and then assisted living since she became almost totally dependent on caregivers. The first move required downsizing her personal belongings and furniture. In the next move everything had to go. My sister told me that everything had been sold to pay for part of her care or given away since it had no resale value.

I just found out my sister has been using her furniture and other belongings and taken possession of valuable (to me) family keepsakes. Very little was sold. There is a will which calls for a 50/50 split. I feel used! The value in mom's things is mostly sentimental. Mom is unable to comprehend what was done. Does a POA have the right to use the subjects things. Is there anything illegal?

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Fedrddd, did you have daily hands-on care for your Mom or was your sister your Mom's primary or only Caregiver? Does your Mom have Alzheimer's/Demetria, and if yes, how long ago was your Mom diagnosed? What other medical issues did your Mom have? That information would help us understand more about what is going on.
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There really isn't enough information here to offer an opinion.

What do you mean that she "secretly" obtained POA?

Are you saying that you did not know your mother's location each time she moved? How long was it before you discovered where she was, and how did you find out?

Did your sister "buy" the items she is using? Did mother give them to her? What is sister's explanation?

A will has no bearing on this situation at all. A will applies when someone dies.

Does Mom have dementia? Who cared for her before her moves?
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You say "The value in mom's things is mostly sentimental". It makes sense to me that your sister could make use any furniture that she liked rather than donating it or trying to sell it for what probably would have amounted to very little. The items you would like as keepsakes are a little more problematic if you don't have a good relationship with your sister. Have you actually asked her about things you would like to have? Perhaps if you asked for something for your children/grandchildren she would be more receptive?
It seems that your mom is in the right place getting the care she needs, so it seems your sister HAS been doing what is best for her.
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18 months ago ypur mom's life was different....her ALZ got tot the point it was diagnosed and she lost her husband. Non of these are sister's doing. Try to get over your resentment of ypur sister.......whether justified or not.....who cares.

Spend your energy on sharing some pleasant time with mom.

Sounds like your sister has a bunch of old furniture, which by your own admission had low resale.

Take a clue from the Disney movie about 2 sisters and Let It Go.
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Your mom has dementia. Not your fault and not your sister's fault. Your sister didn't cause your mom's decline this is a progressive disease. You can let your childhood resentment of your sister eat you up or you can get to therapy and learn to live your life. Stop fighting over china.
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As I read through the sins of the sister, the only thing that came to my mind was I would feel grateful that someone had taken care of all these things. That was a lot of work. As Ismiami said, if it was just old furniture, then count yourself glad that you didn't have to help find a place to donate it. I get the feeling this is more about bad feelings from the past than what is going on at present. It sounds like your parents have been cared for very well. About their money, I don't know.
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POA does not owe you an accounting. In fact, she has an obligation to respect confidentiality.

You say there isn't much of financial value ... since Medicaid approved an application that must be the case. So what is it you want to fight your sister for? There must be something you left out if there is an issue worth hiring a lawyer to resolve.
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Are you a new person? I am confused now.

The people in the group are not clairvoyant. We only know the facts written. If you think there has been mismanagement of money, contact Adult Protective Services in your parents' county. A POA is required to give accounting of their activities when asked. If it is determined she has misused the POA, then they will deal with her.
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I agree with what Jeanne wrote. My main thought on this was the last thing a POA who was stealing money would want to do is to apply for Medicaid. The unexplained withdrawals of money would be noticed right away. If the Medicaid application was approved, then apparently no irregularities were found. Was the father approved for Medicaid?
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I don't think she did a bad thing by getting them both into care. If sis took money for herself, Medicaid would have seen that during the five year look back. Of course you want them together, but that is no longer possible. As an RN you should know that. You are grieving for their loss, but try not to direct your anger at someone who got them to a safe place. It would be better not to contact any of them until you find some counseling for your anger and grief. When we cleaned out mom's house, old furniture was absolutely unsellable, and when it went to the curb, nobody junk-picked it. I'm sorry you are feeling so bad, but at least mom & dad are in a safe place.
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