
My mom is outside on our deck enjoying the last days of our summer and soon to be 20 degrees cooler in a couple of days and lows in the 40's. Our Autumn is soon upon us.

I asked if she wanted anything and asked for a glass of cold water which I promptly brought her. I helped her with a couple of other things, took her face in my hands and kissed her cheek and looked her in the eyes and told her "I love you, Mom."

She said, "I love you to, my sweetie." We hugged. Then I said, "Mom, I'll love you forever, even when I am dust." She replied, "Yes, I will love you too, even when I am." We both shed a few tears of love and hugged again and held hands.

I'm hoping that you too have that chance to express your love to your loved one and they are able to tell you that in return.

I'd love to hear your stories of love, please share them if you will.

My best to you--

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1golflady: So sorry! You're not alone in the 1, 001 x storytelling! Your mom must be vain.
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LOL I wish. If I hugged my mom and told her I loved her she would probably say I Love me too ....... I remember when I ( then I would hear a story I have heard a zillion times) Sad but true.
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Thanks for the wonderful memories, I will keep these in mind as my siblings try to make my job as Executor really difficult. What sustains me is I know mom is sending me hugs from Heaven. Even if my sibs can find some earthly judge to agree with them (I don't think so, I've done nothing wrong) they will never have the Eternal Judge on their side.
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Yes, I tucked mom in bed like she did when I was a tot. You see, the roles had now reversed. However, if I had a migraine, my 94 y.o. mother would fix me an ice cap (no, not a drink, but an old fashioned term for use on the head)!
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Every night as I get Mom tucked in bed I kiss her goodnight and tell her I love her and she responds in kind telling me she loves me and thanking me for all I do for her.
Mom was never very demonstrative and always had a hard time saying thank you or I'm sorry, so maybe that's what makes those moments so special.
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That was nice. No, no moments yet. Family wasn't demonstrative. No hugs between me and my parents. Don't get me wrong Mom loved us and did for us but no spontanious hugs. Had an aunt who always hugged. Was awkward feeling when I was young. The one time I did hug my Mom in the hospital she asked if she was dying. :)
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Beautiful story. And the angel of death was nowhere in it. Beautiful

That' quite similar to me final goodbye with my wonderful mom. I tucked her in and said, "Goodnight, mom. I love you." She said, "Goodnight, sweetheart. I love you, too." I found her peacefully gone the next morning.

I can hear her voice as I feel the tears in my eyes.

I am very glad you had this meaningful exchange with your mom. And I thank you for the bittersweet memories.
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