
My 93-year old mom doesn't have Alzheimers. Her short-term memory is poor, but she's able to heat up the food I bring her and take care of her personal hygiene needs. She reads two papers every day and does the crossword puzzles in them.

What's strange to me is that she's gotten to a point where she only likes the foods she had on the farm growing up that her mother made. So all of the things she fed my brother and me growing up (spinach, asparagus, raspberries, mushrooms, green peppers, brussel sprouts, and on and on and on) she no longer likes. It's like she's lost the last 75 years of her life!. Her food repertoire is getting smaller and smaller and it's harder for me to figure out what I can get her that isn't totally boring and repetitious.

Does anyone else have a parent doing that? It's not really a problem compared to the others I see on here, I'm just curious if this is a common thing in aging.

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Well, this is a first for me...but it's not at all surprising! Your mom is 93 and going through the aging process, things are bound to change and get different, even a little strange... This seems harmless enough... Do you have any of her old cookbooks around? Old ones? Maybe they have recipes in there from back in the day.... Or, you could look up some of those old recipes online, things folks back in the. 20's ate? To this day, my mom still has her favorite foods from when she was a kid, things she ate in Germany, like home made potato pancakes, which I can easily make. It's worth a shot... It might be fun...
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I've got her old Betty Crocker cookbook, but that's the stuff she fed my brother and me growing up that she doesn't like anymore, LOL. I keep asking her what her mom had in their big garden on the farm so I can use those fruits and veggies. She's not into meat so we're down to fruits and veggies. She's the last of the siblings, so I can't ask any of them what else they had. I'll look online for some older recipes.

Yum, potato pancakes. Love those! :)
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where does one even purchase brontosaurus meat? i kid. my 89 yr old aunt trips me out. when she was a kid there werent 20 families scattered across this county and the creek south of town was still inhabited by native american indians. they used to come into town like model citizens and trade wild game for booze. then leaving town theyd scream and howl like maniacs. america is not a very old nation.
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blannie, I know exactly what you're talking about. I am surprised my mother made it to 87. She was raised on fried chicken, biscuits, and grease. I am just the opposite in what I like. I prefer salads and stir fries. I like grilled meats and crisp veggies. She says these things aren't fit to eat. She wants everything fried. There are only 3-5 vegetables she will eat. She want eat fruit or bread, because she said they are bad for her diabetes. I can't talk logic of a good diabetic diet with her. She just wants a plate of fried chicken, fried corn, fried okra, bacon, ... My arteries are clogging just thinking about her diet. She tells me her family always ate like this. It doesn't help when I point out that half of them died of heart disease.
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