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I'd get on the horn right away and hire an estate sale company to do this gargantuan job of sorting thru all this stuff. Then you can go thru it and cherry pick what you want to keep before they hold a sale and sell it all FOR you for cash. They'll likely keep 50% of the profits due to the size of the job and the fact that hoarding is you know, takes a long time to get all that stuff ready and presented for sale.
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eat-pray-love Jan 2023
No, but thx! I have to do it this way. My brain knows what is important vs not. No one else will know... outside of my Sister.. & Steps. But job is on me & the Sis (understandably).... Also, my Niece & her Son lived there for a decade.. so I have 3 huge piles of their belongings they didn't move with them year ago to Portland... I will get thru it...
((((((hugs))))) What a huge job. You sound like you are well organized. Bless you for taking this on!
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Good Luck enjoy your new life!
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eat-pray-love Jan 2023
Hopefully next few mos will feel more attached to this 2023 year...
Thank YOU! <3
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