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Protect mama. Sister can get over herself. Because she’s being selfish. Period. We do what we do and ask what we ask for the care of others, and if you and your family are taking precautions TO THE MAX, I’ll be glad to say on live television that we need more of you in this country.
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We've been living with COVID for a year. By now people are either taking it seriously or not and they never will, despite all we know about how it is transmitted. You control your actions, not theirs. And part of that control is deciding who comes into your house. I think that diplomacy is not possible with people like your sister because if the smartest scientists that have ever walked the planet can't convince her of the seriousness of this disease then you surely won't.

Even if she tests negative before traveling, based on her behavior she is not taking precautions and could very well contract it any time after the test and carry it to your house. Testing is really only good for people who are serious about staying safe and following the CDC recommendations.

We all have family on both sides of the 'debate.' Don't let yours guilt you into letting your guard down. All it takes is one visit from one infected person to start something that may not end well.
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