
My mother has taken to peeing in her trash can and as of today sat on the side of her bed and defecated. But when she was done went to the bathroom to clean up. I'm very aware that my mother does not want to live with me and it really does seem like she is doing this on purpose. When asked she answers didn't want to get up in the dark.

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My Aunt does very similar things.. Feces in hair, pee in any container, trash can gift bags. She isn't doing it with forethought or malice. Alzheimers is a terrible disease and I see her doing strange things. "Shopping" other residents closets and hiding the clothes in her closet. It's distressing but not done on purpose. My aunt also will say she didn't want to go down the hall to bathroom.
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Lauri, there is no understanding the things that people with advanced dementia do. We can usually predict what they will do for a while, but it changes over time as a person gets worse. I don't think it is done out of spite for you, but it is still very inconvenient for you. If your mother doesn't want to live with you and she is becoming difficult to care for, is there a way you can place her into a skilled facility?
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