
How can I get her to wear Depends? My dad is her main care giver and he is constantly struggling with this. She refuses to wear this protection and ends up having 'accidents'!

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My mother-in-law had to wear Depends for awhile. She hated them because they made her rear end sweat bad. But she sure didn't want poop running down her leg while she was in public, so she bucked up. But I like the idea of the pads, unless she is like m-i-l that had a serious diarrhea problem, then that won't work. How about a big cork?
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Try the Serenity super absorbent pads in her underwear. My mother in law hated the Depends because they did not fit well. The pads were more comfortable for her.
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Just fill her drawer witht the paper panties and the bathroom closet too. She'll have nothing else to wear. They're great!
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I recommend using the bladder control pads she can stick in her underwear. I had a client that used them as well as a depend in the evenings. I've used the light weight version of them when out myself. In fact, this is kind of funny yet embarrassing, I was using one and forgot and jumped off the pontoon to wade and it got wet. Let me tell you they can really absorb. Try Poise bladder control pads to see if that will make her happy yet safe.
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She may be not wearing them outside because she feels the Depends show under her clothes. If she primarily wears pants (slacks), get her some pretty long tops that she can wear over the pants so the Depends bunching/padding effect is covered up.

Or if she'll wear them, some long skirts that are comfortable with knee-highs (so she doesn't have to put on pantyhose) and won't show any Depends bunching.
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What about putting the depends on, and then putting on panties over them. My mom had that problem for a time too, it was like giving in I suppose, of course this was a few months before she had the stroke but finally after I kept having to clean up the bathroom, bedroom, carpet, my car seats, and her reclyner I think she got the message.

It's like giving up their independence and I could totally understand but sometimes theres no getting around it.

Stand by for more suggestions and keep coming to this site, you'll get all the help and support that you need.

I hope this has helped.
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