
She has a recliner and using a fleece.  She just can't get comfortable on her backside. She has lost weight so bottom is probably bony now. What can I do to make her cushion area softer without pressure.

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There is a brand of cushion called a Roho that is good for this sort of thing, but if you go to Amazon and search cocoa cushions you'll get an idea of what out there. Occupational Therapists are great sources of advice about this sort of thing if you have access to one through health insurance.
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Cocyx cushions, that's supposed to say.
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My cousin has a professional type cushion that is designed to fit into her wheelchair. It's rather sturdy and is designed for people who sit a lot. You might be able to find them at a durable medical equipment store or online.

I've also read that lamb's wool is great to prevent sores. There are sites for that as well. I've never used it though.
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