
I am my 82-year-old mother's durable healthcare POA. We've had the papers in place for years, but her doctor just activated it yesterday.
She submitted a letter in July to her medical file saying she no longer wanted any testing or medications. When asked about the letter yesterday, she claimed to have no memory of it. This set off the incompetence bells, and the durable healthcare POA was activated.

Mom lives in independent senior housing. She is diabetic. She has no interest in taking her oral medications. Her average daily blood sugar is 347.

I know her wishes. She just wants to be left alone and to live the rest of her time in peace. My role as POA is to make sure her wishes are honored, no matter what, correct?

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Your mom living the "rest of her time in peace" means she will have one medical crisis after another that YOU will need to manage. It means you will need to move her to where she will get the proper care, and YOU will manage that. It means every time the NH or medical staff tells her/needs her to do something she doesn't like or doesn't want to hear she will do/say the opposite and YOU will have to confirm/convince/manage that -- unless you never plan on talking to her, visiting her or wondering if she's ok. My take on PoA is that it is a MUTUALLY agreeable arrangement that must work for BOTH parties or there's no point. It does NOT mean you are her lackey "no matter". Don't you want to have a life? Her "living in peace" just means she thinks you'll be constantly orbiting around her and protecting her from herself. I'm not sure why your mom is being an ostrich, but it will work against her "living in peace" every. step. of. the. way. Is that what you both want? Maybe revisit this topic with her once you read the insights from all those who have gone before you with parents who just wanted to "live in peace" but died in chaos.
Helpful Answer (10)
TXGirl82 Jan 2020
What is written in her Medical POA. My Moms read like a Living Will. If her's does, then you follow her wishes. The letter went into her Medical File and should be honored. That's 6 months ago. Her decline could have worsened in that time. My Moms did.
Helpful Answer (5)


She has put her wishes in writing, those need to be honored.

I guess you don't have to worry about the doctor anymore, I would ask for a hospice referral before you blow them off. If she isn't going to pursue treatment and that is what her living will states, that doctor can not force her to have treatment.

Best of luck, I am sorry that you are facing all of this. I think most of us will want to just go to sleep and never wake up and barring that, I personally don't want a bunch of medical interventions to keep me alive. I understand how your mom feels.
Helpful Answer (10)

You would be correct. All you do is make sure her wishes are carried out. You can not over ride what she wants unless she is so bad off mentally that she forgot what she wanted then it really comes down to you to be her reasoning and her voice! Doing what is best for her!

Remember Drs are trained to save lives no matter what; therefore, you might find yourself going around-and-around with them, but once you say "no" to a Dr then he or she can not touch your mom. (That is the law).

I am sorry about your mom:( Good Luck!
Helpful Answer (8)

Well, I think what Geaton is saying here is correct. Since your mother lives in independent housing, you are going to be called with every crisis that occurs. Unless she passes away quietly in her sleep one night, then there could be dozens of 'events' forthcoming that will require SOME sort of action on your part.

If you move her into a Skilled Nursing Facility, she'll be looked after DURING the medical crises that crop up. Otherwise, plan to be over at her place all the time managing the chaos!

If not, you can call Hospice in to manage the pain she may have during the end of life process. I don't know if she'd go for that, but again, dying without doctor's intervention is one thing; dying in pain is another. Nobody wants to endure that, or to watch a loved one endure that either.

Whatever you decide to do, you are correct in saying that your role as POA is to make sure her wishes are honored, no matter how unrealistic they may wind up to be.

Wishing you the best of luck in a very difficult situation; I feel for you, and am sending you a big HUG, too.
Helpful Answer (4)
jfogarty1216 Jan 2020
This is all very true. However, you would never know that she's ill. It was almost be easier if she was (knock wood)... She grocery shops, manages her finances, takes care of her dog, etc. She 4' 9", 90 lbs. and is full of sass. If I tried to even move her to a CBRF right now, she'd get kicked out, so not kidding.... I'll deal with the emergencies when they come, and I know they will. I was POA for my dad when he was end stage alzheimers, Unfortunately, I know what's coming. Sigh...
As healthcare POA, you have to decide what you think your mom would do if she was currently able to make those decisions for herself. I find it a whole lot more difficult than it sounds!

When your mom signed the POA document, she was of sound mind and anticipating what she would want in the future. The future is now, but now you have to decide what you think your mom would decide today vs. a few years or months ago. It's an impossible task, but trust your instincts and let your conscience guide you.
Helpful Answer (3)
lealonnie1 Jan 2020
You are so right! We have a woman on hospice in the memory care community I work at. She's come down with pneumonia & was diagnosed but given no medication, per her original end of life instructions. Now she's having a lot of trouble breathing and is crying out for help. What do you do??? The caregiver was at the front desk on Sunday night wringing her hands and waiting for the hospice nurse to show up. That 15 minute wait felt like an eternity.

There is no 'easy' way to make a boatload of end-of-life decisions, in reality, is there? It's on an event by event basis. I shudder to think how I am going to handle things when my mother reaches that point, which may be sooner rather than later........her CHF is getting worse.
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P.S. Any explicit instructions in the healthcare directive need to be followed. Any gray areas are up to you as your mom's agent.
Helpful Answer (7)

P.P.S. It sounds like your mom is still able to express her wishes, and I don't think a single doctor's opinion will "activate" a healthcare POA. You can help your mom by being her advocate with or without the POA. Talk to her and confirm her wishes, then make sure her doctor, hospital, and senior housing facility know her wishes. Let your mom speak her voice for as long as she is able, but be there to support her in whatever decision(s) she makes.
Helpful Answer (5)

Have your mom fill out a POLST form. Your mom deserves to have her last wishes respected. You and mom can put your mind at ease after placing in writing in this specific form what is desired. Unless mom is incompetent, the choice of what she desires are up to her. It may be helpful to have a social worker sit down with your mom to explain what POLST is.
Helpful Answer (5)

As long as she is not suffering you are doing the right thing. It's a little late to be filling out POLST et al. As POA you plan her end; she selected you because she trusts you...follow your gut and don't complicate it. Work with her doc and let her have her fun in her last whatever it's going to be.

Oh; most "independent" places allow the residents their time. Let's not kid ourselves, and moving her is not a good idea, will only confuse her unless the house wants her gone.

Keep it simple...
Helpful Answer (5)

I think what is meant here is that the POA is worded so that it starts when LO is determined not to be competent. And the doctor has made that declaration. She certainly sounds pretty functional so not sure she is incompetent just because she is refusing treatment although the elevated blood sugar could cause altered mental status and possibly depression. The question is does the POA designee follow the LO wishes no matter what? You have been designated to act as they would act if they could. But what does that mean? My FIL did his documents 20 years ago. Decisions he would have made then are different than what he would make now. My husband is POA but as the “family nurse”, I am really guiding the process. I feel the POA is to make good decisions for him, not just do whatever he wants. Your mother says she wants to be left alone in peace. Really? She likely will not go that peacefully. She may lose her vision, develop kidney failure, lose circulation and develop gangrene, all due to elevated blood sugar. So are you prepared to reject dialysis if her kidneys fail or to reject surgery if she had not circulation in her feet? Grim? Yes. But untreated diabetes leads to lots of nasty complications. Managing chronic disease is a constant reminder that the person is aging and sick. That may well make her depressed. You might not know she is sick but just developing diabetic retinopathy will cause her to lose her independence. You cannot make her take her medication but as POA, her lack of treatment will leave you to deal with the consequences. My FIL lived in his house with my MIL until he was 92. They moved to independent living first although they really needed more supervision but that was where we started. In the 15 months since he moved, his dementia progressed, she broke hip and has now died, he can not longer stand and is in a wheelchair and he often thinks he and Helen went downtown on the bus to get a corned beef sandwich yesterday. This life is never what he wanted. As POA, my husband has to do what is best for him now. We cannot do what he wanted. Not going to be pleasant probably.
Helpful Answer (2)
thepianist Jan 2020
As a nurse you will know that under federal law even a person with dementia has the right to refuse treatment, including medicines and food. (They may not be doing it from a place of rationality but it is THEIR decision, whoever THEY are at this point.) My own living will itemizes a series of conditions which, if they happen, directs that my PoA discontinue all nourishment, food and drink (except to keep lips moist), which will mean death in several weeks at the most, and in the meantime pain meds will keep me comfortable. We must get over this view that length of days is the measure of value.
Does your mom have periods where she is lucid and could talk about her wishes? If so, I suggest that you have a copy of the paperwork and ask her to go over it with you. Perhaps have someone with you as a witness, or record the conversation.....
Tell her that you want to make sure you are properly following her wishes and go over the POA item by item. Share with her what people here have said - that going without certain measures could leave her in pain, and let her know that you don’t want to see that happen to her. You need some wiggle room so that you can make adjustments to her care in order to make her life more comfortable - not heroic measures, but little things so that she is not in pain.... tough, I know.
Helpful Answer (2)
thepianist Jan 2020
She need not be left in pain. I would call in hospice to examine the woman and see if she is a candidate, because hospice will never allow someone to linger in a state of pain. As for discussing her previous decision with her, I would have only minimum discussions with her at this point. It could be distressing for her to have to revisit these issues. She knew what she was doing when she gave her daughter her PoA and told her her wishes.
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Is her blood sugar ever in the 90 to 160 range? If is, ask her about this then, when her brain is at peak efficiency. The problem with not treating diabetes is all the horrible complications, which could develop remarkably quickly: vision problems, nerve damage, and even amputations. If she's ready to die soon, that's one thing. If she's ready to lose both feet and her vision, and live for another twenty years, that's quite another problem.
Helpful Answer (5)
thepianist Jan 2020
You are right about the long-term consequences of untreated diabetes. But it's unlikely she will live another 20 years with untreated diabetes, to suffer those consequences. Pneumonia used to be called the old-person's friend, because it couldn't be treated effectively and took the a person quickly. My family member who had advanced dementia with a host of other problems, developed an infection which we did not treat (with the approval of a priest-ethicist), knowing he would not survive. He was kept out of pain and comfortable until his death, which was several weeks coming. This mother can be kept very comfortable while her diabetes takes over her body. It may sound gruesome but this is what this woman seems to want, or did when she was of sounder mind. Let's let her go in peace.
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You are correct! As others have said, her wishes MUST be honored. The problem is that her wishes might change, and the fact that she has dementia does not necessarily mean that she is not competent to honor her wishes. Legal competence is tricky and it can go back and forth, at least for a while until severe cognitive loss rules all.

It is ethical to discontinue meds and testing if that is your mom's wishes and the doctor must honor those. YOU are your mother, for legal purposes, once you have her PoA. It's not about prolonging her days but making her comfortable and helping her feel at peace. Good luck with all this.
Helpful Answer (4)

Your mother would not be the first diabetic to be non compliant with medication and/or diet, mentally competent or not. It makes me so cross when it is a disease which can be mostly controlled so well.
My husband is diabetic, drug compliant, but food? Although he always takes his meds three times a day, he skips meals, stocks up on junk food and snacks when I go away for a few days, and ignores the healthy food choices I leave in the fridge. He has a trade certificate in catering so he knows full well how to cook. The annoying thing is he is well within weight range and his bloods are always good.
In tbe early years of diagnosis the diabetes nurse used to read the riot act ... the dangers to heart, limb, teeth, eyesight et al, but it was water off a ducks back. When none of those things happen I guess it gives patients a false sense of security. Sounds like your mother might be in that category.
I have enough health issues of my own, so I decided years ago that it is his body, his life, his choice, his responsibility. He knows not to complain to me when something is slow to heal, or he is having a hypo....although I must admit I do jump to attention when that happens. But no empathy from me. I suspect the diabetes nurse educators he sees all these years later are similarly inclined.
I live in another country, our bloods are obviously described differently so I have no idea just how off the scale your mother might be. If your mother is not insulin dependant, just takes tablets like my husnand, she might get away with not looking after herself properly. She certainly sounds spritely enough. In which case is it worth while antagonising her, especially when she sounds lime she ignores advice anyway?
Helpful Answer (3)
Midkid58 Jan 2020
Your post hit a nerve with me. My DH was dxed with diabetes and thought if he was taking his Metformin, he was fine.

Didn't eat right, refused any exercise, just a PITA patient.

Wound up with 2 'widowmaker' heart attacks----the culprit? His 'controlled diabetes'. At first he was terrified and lost 40 lbs and sort of exercised---but as his blood sugar and A1C are fine, he again had put on 30 lbs and is sedentary as can be. It's like that harrowing experience didn't even touch him. I don't get it.

He actually had the gall to tell his cardio surgeon that he was overweight b/c I am too good of a cook. The doc laughed himself silly over that--asked DH if I was shoveling food in his mouth 24/7--that's how non compliant he was.

He's back to eating poorly, not watching his blood sugar and not caring how worried I am about him. I feel like I am watching a slow death by disinterest---and I am.

I have done LT caregiving for him several times in the past and he is a terrible patient--I know my last years will be caring for someone who doesn't care for himself. It's hard. I went through cancer last year and he did not do a single thing to help me. I'm still recovering from the chemo and will be for several months---and he doesn't lift a finger.

You can't help someone who refuses to help themselves....I wish you luck in this.
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A person has the right to refuse treatment; however, she should be evaluated if she is mentally competent since daily blood sugar, as you stated, are in the 300's which is nearly incompatible for life. It's a matter of time she will go into diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) which is a life-threatening emergency, and may even go into a coma requiring an insulin drip. High sugars may also contribute to confusion. All it takes is one single urinary tract infection (UTI) to cause DKA. An upper respiratory infection will also cause it. She is highly prone to UTIs and other infections due to high sugars--bacteria also loves sugar. Being an old person she is even MORE vulnerable to infections, thus DKA -- like most diabetics she probably has gum disease too.

If that were my mom I would have confronted her about this, and insist she get treatment immediately--or call 911 for such a Baker Act if she adamantly refuses. You are talking about your mom's life, and you don't even know if she is competent. Maybe she is clinically depressed which can be treated..or she may be confused from high sugars. You need to fight for her if she is unable to do so herself. That is what I would do if that were my mom.
Helpful Answer (1)
lealonnie1 Jan 2020
Just WOW! The OP knows full well her mother is competent and capable of making her OWN wishes known. I question YOUR competency Cetude, to even make such a statement to this OP.
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If she made her choice at a time when she was competent. It has to stand. In most, states you can't change a competent statement of last wishes even if you have a medical power of attorney.
Helpful Answer (3)

I am surprised at many of the answers provided here. I am approaching 70 and this past year I sat down with my attorney and revised my will, poa designations, etc. In the past 10 years, I sat on the sidelines because my older brother did not have these instruments. He experienced 8 years of dying one day at a time in a nursing facility, hating every minute of it. He was lucid most days but the facility insisted that he was mentally incompetent to change his medical decisions, and refused to share his 'condition' with us based on privacy issues.

Mom has ALZ. She constantly talks about being ready to die, ready to leave this world she no longer recognizes.

The idea that someone is potentially going to ignore my desires when my time comes is infuriating. There is a reason many Americans incur 80% or more of their lifetime medical cost in their last years...doctors and facilities make their livelihood keeping them alive.

Caregivers should respect their parents wishes. There is a huge difference between 'sustaining life' and 'prolonging death'. Suspect that most here would choose 6 months of quality time at the end vs. 6 years of 'existing' in a facility.

Will there be consequences? Yes. But as you described your mom, I am fairly certain, she knew that when she assigned her POA/medical directive. Ignore the 'advice' from some here to keep mom alive and do what she trusted you to do.

Prayers that she goes peacefully.
Helpful Answer (7)
Happyplace Jan 2020
Thank you so much for posting this. I was riddled with guilt by a couple of people's comments when I carried out my Dad's wishes (which he had CONSISTENTLY expressed for at least 40 years,) even up until the last few months of his life. He NEVER swayed from what he had wanted. If the OP's Mom wrote her wishes when she was competent, then that is what needs to be carried out. The OP could definitely discuss the consequences of these decisions, in the event that the mom doesn't really understand, but at the end of the day, those wishes should be honored IMO.
So what's the doctor's plan? What does the doctor want to do that is at odds with your mother's stated wishes?

Making sure her wishes are honored no matter what... it's more yes, but. When people draw up their advance directives and similar, while it is true that they are of sound mind it is equally true that they cannot know how they will feel about challenges such as pain, breathlessness, anxiety, and - not to put too fine a point on it - fear of death when those challenges come.

Yes honor your mother's wishes, but do leave her some wriggle room.
Helpful Answer (2)

Call in hospice and get a palliative care consult.
Helpful Answer (5)

Durable Healthcare POA or not, a patient has the right to decline treatment.
As her DH-POA, your responsibility is to make sure her desires are fulfilled.

If there is a question about competence, get an attorney:

National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys
NAELA Council of Advanced Practitioners
1577 Spring Hill Rd., Suite 310
Vienna, VA 22182 
Helpful Answer (2)

Your role is to make sure mom's wishes are honored and to assist in keeping her healthy. Taking oral medications is not usually considered extreme interventions - like ventilators or machines to keep blood flow going - but prudent medical necessities. Better to take her to her doctor to investigate treatment for depression.
Helpful Answer (3)

I think it sad that people like Cetude would completely disrespect their parents, abuse their POA, override their parents wishes and prolonging their parent suffering, forcing them to live with pain in suffering in a condition they made it clear they didn’t ever want to live in. All for their own selfish needs.
Helpful Answer (4)
cetude Jan 2020
not really. If that's what the mom and family wants, all they need to do is get her on hospice and use hospice doctor as primary, and make funeral arrangements. But not everybody wants that.
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Does Mom have a living will? If not, make one post-haste.

I helped my father with his living will and even took him to the bank and had every single page notarized.

Thankfully, he was still in his right-mind when he decided to stop dialysis and we called in Hospice. Hospice did an evaluation and could see that I was trying to allow my father to make his own decisions.

No repercussions.
Helpful Answer (1)

I will agree that to some extent even those with dementia have a "right to refuse" medical treatment. At the time we needed to move mom to MC for her own safety/care, she was refusing to consider ANY kind of move (both brothers offered to take her in, not that it would have been a good idea...) EC atty told us we could not "force" her to move and suggested guardianship. Facility we chose said no committals! In the end, we had to use some "trickery" to facilitate the move.

Now that she is in MC, I have seen how some living there refuse medicine and/or necessary treatment (one was wound care.) The staff told me the residents do have the right to refuse. However, knowing that some of these medical treatments are necessary without being invasive, they use every trick they can to coax the person into agreeing. Usually they get it done without having to force anyone. Good care-givers have ways and persistence!

SonOutOfState said "Caregivers should respect their parents wishes. There is a huge difference between 'sustaining life' and 'prolonging death'. Suspect that most here would choose 6 months of quality time at the end vs. 6 years of 'existing' in a facility." 
This I wholly agree with. There IS a huge difference between maintaining current care without being invasive or going to herculean heights to "save" a life. When mom and dad did all their EC atty paperwork, one long form was regarding medical treatment, aka what interventions they did/did not want. Our mother takes BP meds, necessary antibiotics if/when she gets an infection, some OTCs for minor issues. These, to me, are not artificially extending life, just making the current existence sustainable. She also should have, as she always said, had her knees done long ago. Now, at 96 with dementia, no way would I even consider it, although it would eliminate the pain she sometimes experienced (we did try injection once.) She and dad had DNR and both declined major interventions on their forms, so I would go along with that. If it is something that is treatable with minimal impact, I would have it done (we continue her macular degeneration treatments to preserve her eyesight - with little/no hearing and now refusing to stand/walk on her own, she would end up unable to do much of anything, so we need to keep from losing her eyesight!)

I would lump diabetic treatments, so long as it doesn't require excessive intervention (such as hospitalization), in this same category. It isn't that invasive and it can prevent a whole host of nasty implications, many of which would likely be very cruel and painful! My uncle lost some toes (after he injured them dropping his weights on his foot!) and then his foot, to diabetes. Eventually he just wanted to let go, but he was in a pretty bad state - not "sassy", able to take care of himself and his finances, etc. He was already in a NH before this happened.

OP says " would never know that she's ill." and "She grocery shops, manages her finances, takes care of her dog, etc. She 4' 9", 90 lbs. and is full of sass."
She certainly sounds as if she can still manage a lot, but if she is in early stages of dementia, her brain will lie to her and she will think she is "fine." Since she has a dog, she most likely cares very much for it. I would try using him/her as a way to convince mom she needs to continue her own diabetes treatment. If you can provide documents that show what kind of impact diabetes can have when not treated, and then ask who will care for "Spot" if you are sick, hospitalized or die? Putting the focus on this poor dog's life might change her attitude (and might need reinforcement from time to time if she has dementia.) She will also have to see/know/acknowledge the diabetes somehow, if she is saying she doesn't have it!)
Helpful Answer (3)

Wow is this timely! We took my frail 89 YO mom to the hospital yesterday.. multiple issues, but she is a retired RN and has had a DNR/DNI for years! While all the testing was going on,, the nephrologist ( I feel) bullied me into making her full code,, "for the time being and temporarily". I work in an ICU.. I KNOW how this goes,, once they are intubated you are screwed... So when we went in last night, in front of family and RN we asked her what she wanted. "None of that, just let me go" . Today in front of RN and 2 dear friends we addressed this again.. nope, she wants nothing. So the RN called the Dr and we had it changed. Mom was clear to her,, no dice! The Dr did agree then that with her smoking and her frailty she would not survive CPR, or ever come off the vent. So at least I feel like I am honoring her wishes, hard as it may be. Good luck!
Helpful Answer (7)

Essentially, with sugars this high, your mother is entering a palliative care at least and hospice more likely situation. Essentially this is a death warrant, and the fact is that diabetes kills slowly and torturously. It is not often people die of the high sugar itself. It is more that it will slowly take out all major systems, likely starting with peripheral vascular, heart and kidneys. If you are certain that your mother understood that she was signing on for death (I might do the same) then you are free to carry out her plans and request palliative care and hospice. Wishing you good luck. A hard situation.
Helpful Answer (5)

IMHO, you should honor your mother's wishes. BUT with blood sugar at 347, be aware that that is a medical emergency if she goes into a diabetic coma. As AlvaDeer says, is a death warrant, essentially.
Helpful Answer (1)

As someone with a diabetic mom who wasn't always compliant throughout her life I can relate. I also know from experience that higher blood sugars become more acceptable in older patients and the balancing act becomes a bit different, not sure if that's where your at but it isn't your main question now so I won't go there. My first question to you is when she submitted this letter for her file what was the precipitates for it? Had she up until this point been good about managing her diabetes and just got fed up with it, was it medication for another issue that just got her fed up or was there something else? Was it something she had thought about and considered, discussed with you or was it an abrupt reaction of some sort?

Does she like and trust this doctor, is it her PC or her Endo that decided she was incompetent based on this letter? I ask because I agree with your instinct about honoring her wishes, it not only honors her but also protects you as hard as knowing and honoring that might be but this isn't as straight forward for many of the reasons mentioned below and I can tell you my family has found somewhat of a happy medium. It sure sounds to me like this letter is the primary reason this doctor has decided she is incompetent (you may have the opposite issue of so many others here who can't get a doctor to sign off on incompetence even when it is far more obvious) likely in large part to protect themselves and while this may be a godsend later it doesn't sound like you feel she is "incompetent" or frail. So while you do have some extra power if you will, which she gave you, it doesn't mean you need to exercise it in that way. Depending on some of the answers to my above questions, if I were you I would have a real discussion with mom. You actually are set up to be her "protector" and confidant even more here and have the perfect opening to a discussion. "Mom Dr X contacted me out of concern because you have decided to stop taking your medication and your blood sugars are getting to damaging levels. I told Dr X I would talk to you about your reasons because I feel like you must have a good reason, what made you decide to stop any medical intervention"? Then depending on her response of course I would tell her your fears for both of you if she makes this choice, would she prefer to have a stroke or have a major cardiac event than take some pills? Has she thought about the issues not taking her meds could cause (and I would present each independently) and chosen to live with those over taking her pills a couple times a day? If the answer is yes and you feel she is making that decision clearly... I would break this up into several conversations over days or weeks for my mom, giving her time to digest and think about each piece of the topic, when you dump it all on at once it's gets lumped together and feels so overwhelming she can't pick out the things she comprehends as negative, instead the whole topic is negative and throwing her hands in the air, washing her hands of it isn't a surprising reaction. I wonder if something like this was happening between your mom and the doctor.

My point being you can honor her wishes while watching out for her best interest too and it sounds to me like you are very in tune with both of those things so work with her, find out what's at the root of this move and see what solutions there might be that does both. Making sure she feels respected and heard, in control of her life and accepting your help will make a big difference to both of you. At least this has been our experience with mom and because of that she usually goes along with things she doesn't really want to do but knows she should because ultimately she trusts our judgment. We also find at times when we get the root of her reasons for refusing something it's because she has built up a whole misunderstanding about the topic and that often gets her into a tailspin of anxiety and denial so dissuading her fears helps all of us.
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I'm not a lawyer but in my eyes your mother is trusting YOU to do what she has asked YOU to do, that is why she appointed you as POA. She in her heart trusted you and felt you would do what she wanted. And in my eyes it's wrong when someone don't do what they have been asked and trusted to do. Because they feel differently no that's not right do as your mother wanted respect her wishes. That's her last wishes not yours not your place to change anything. I've seen where the last wishes wasn't meant because someone thought they knew better. It broke my heart that this special lady's last wishes didn't go as she asked and trusted the family member to do. It's our last wishes respect them and honor them. I hope this helps you. I pray I can find a person that I can truly trust that will do as I want.
Helpful Answer (2)
cetude Jan 2020
needs to use hospice doctor as primary
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