
My Mom only has her SS payments as income . Which she will loose on Medicaid . Would she get this them back if she got better and could be moved to a A/L instead of the N/H. She is paralyzed on left side they are working with her to try and get her to support herself said it could take a year or more .

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She doesn't lose SS payments, they go to the Nursing Home as partial payment for her care. Even AL would be expensive, and her SS check may not be enough to cover it. In some states Medicaid will cover NH but not AL. Try not to get too far ahead of the game.
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Whether mom is in a NH or AL, her daily room & board cost is going to have to be paid for in some way. Right now, I bet that she is at the NH on post hospitalization "rehab" with Medicare paying for her stay. So she still might have her SS income. Is this the situation? If so realize that Medicare paid for @ a NH rehab has pretty specific criteria and time frame for them to stay on Medicare.

Most AL are private pay, so if mom only has SS that likely is not going to be enough to pay for her AL unless she has substantial savings to draw from. Unless your family has the ability to private pay the difference for possibly years @ an AL, she probably is better off staying in a NH and going on Medicaid.

Most states have their Medicaid program setup to pay for long-term skilled nursing care in a traditional NH facility. As most Medicaid rules were set up in the 1970's and before IL or AL even were out there. Mom has to be medically & financially qualified by how Medicaid is run in your state to have Medicaid pay and then mom has to do a co-pay or share of cost (SOC) of her income to the NH each month less her states personal needs allowance. PNA is between $ 35 - 90 a mo.

Now some states have a Medicaid diversion program in which instead of them being @ a NH, they can be in AL but with Medicaid paying for their stay. In my mom's state (TX) the diversion program is small with a waiting list. It is by far easier to get them into a NH even though the cost is double what an AL is. So once you have a better idea of mom's long term ability, you need to see what the AL diversion situation is for your mom in your state and what facilities participate.
They still are expected to do their co-pay of the income to the AL too.

It sounds like the plan is for your mom to have a lot of rehab done. If she is younger & health before whatever happened to her and she can understand and do the rehab, she might be a good candidate to be able to move from the NH rehab to an AL. Be sure to speak with the OT & PT who are working with her to see how she is "progressing". If she doesn't move along and progress sufficiently, she will be removed from Medicare covering this service and her stay. medicare has very specific timeframes at to how long they pay for rehab and the progress required. At that point, it will be important that you do whatever is needed for her to transition to Medicaid paying for her stay @ the NH & her paying her required co-pay for it.
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