
My brother lives with her but does nothing for her, she refuses to see a doctor, talks to herself and is in need of daily assistance (taking medication, grooming, meals,etc). No one seems able to help or care to (other family members) and I have epilepsy/seizure disorders and do not drive, is their an agency that can step in to assist, I don't know where to turn, and when I ask her last time she went to the Dr. she does not know or lies that she saw a doctor from the past who is now deceased, my brother who does live with her doesn't seem to care about her well being or needs.I have my own disability and health issues so I'm not able to assist at this time, can anyone help?

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Babalou is right, you should have the county social worker go check on her.
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Can you call Adult Protective Services? The may be able to make a determination that she is no longer able to care for self and make her a ward of the state or something like that
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