
Mom started with a congestion in her nose which is much better after Vicks chest rub, saline and aloe Vera nasal spray and AireBorne supplements. She's now developed a cough which sounds a bit Phlegmy. Is it OK to give her Mucinex, just with the expectorant ingredient?
Do I need to take her to the doctor. I've been struggling to find a new doctor since her previous one left Charlotte, NC a month ago. We saw a new doctor from the list provided to us from the practice 10 days ago but she didn't understand the gravity of someone with Alzheimer's having a cold. Been struggling to find an internist as most of the doctors have similar profiles and nobody will give us more information. In the meantime I'm faced with two issues, finding mom an internist with some knowledge and experience with Alzheimer's and moms immediate condition.

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I think I would be looking for a geriatrician for my mom. They generally have more experience and training treating elders and have seen a lot of dementia.

As for whether something is an emergency, I always found great comfort in the nurse line that my clinic or my insurance company made available. They do online triage and tell you whether you should go to an ER, or see your doctor in the morning, or report it at your next appointment, or what. They know what questions to ask. It is a free service. Find out what is available for your mom and use it as needed.
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Go up to the Search Site box and enter Charlotte,NC and do a search, assuming that is your location. Find a good clinic that takes her insurance.
Be mindful of what is being sneezed out or coughed up, Clear phlegm is probably allergies. Yellow mucus means infection and you see the MD. Keep up the Airborne. I would not add the Mucinex without checking drug interactions with the pharmacist.
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I have found going to the *urgent care* or *patient's first* type walk-in doctor offices [without an appointment] work well. They are like a small emergency room setting. The ones in my area are open 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and open on weekends. I've always been impressed with the doctors in these facilities.

Even if you don't go to one this time around, search your area for one that is close to your house [the closer the better] and just walk-in and talk to the front desk nurse to see what type of care they give. The doctor could even recommend a geriatric doctor.

Check to see if they will take your Mom's insurance, or your insurance in case you need someone quickly.
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