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If I understand your post correctly, she's getting up on her own and falling. If you're saying she's moving FURNITURE? Well....that's a new one. I'll assume the former.

If mom isn't safe up and about on her own, then she can't be left alone in the house. That's a tough one for many families to handle, but it's the truth. If you both work, then I'd strongly suggest Adult Daycare. Our area has one that charges $57/day for 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM. It's expensive, but if someone can't be left alone, there are few less expensive alternatives.

When you're home, make her favorite chair a transport chair with a comfy gel pad seat. Lighly buckle her in with a long gait belt to remind her she isn't to get up on her own. Buckle it behind the chair back so she can't get to it. Then she has to call you for help; so she CAN be left alone in a room while you're busy doing other things.

If she's doing this at night, they make after-market bed rails that go practically the whole length of the bed. If she's even semi-agile, though, there's a danger she will hurt herself trying to climb over them.

(With mom, she was likely to fall or injure herself when she had to go to the bathroom. She would simply forget she couldn't walk without her walker. Two steps and bam! A broken hip, in her case. I was ten feet away in the other room.)

Mom's weaker now, but STILL forgets she can't walk without assistance. She's buckled into her chair (very loosely, mind you). And, at night? We've gotten a hospital bed with full rails (prescribed and free from Medicare). We raise the head and foot of the bed, and she couldn't get out of bed if she tried because of the body position head/foot raising puts her in. The rails are extra insurance.

It is VERY difficult for families to handle fall risks. But that's no surprise. They are very difficult to handle in assisted living and nursing homes as well. We all just do the best we can...
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