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NIK2RS. You remind me of my oldest brother. I moved in with my mother and put a hold on my job for nearly a year. He like you thought I did not need any income. Well let me tell you, I got in all kinds of financial problems, could not pay any bills. So why does a caregiver need money? Apparantly you are rich.
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Boy N1K2R3....aren't YOU just a ray of friggin sunshine!!!
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Sarahjune: Why are you being paid for the care of your own father? Do you not take the legal subtraction of dependency ? ( both federal and state)?
What are you doing with this money that you take from him? Are you reporting it as income on your own tax return?
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Probably. I'd see an estate attorney about this - one who knows Medicaid well. Also, have any payment agreement drawn up legally. That might help. Still, you should have the help of an attorney who knows Medicaid laws - and your state laws.
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