
My husband had lung cancer which took 2 lobes of his right lung. Got all the cancer with no chemo. Now he has severe (stage 4) enphazema and fibrosis in the other lung. He was fading before my eyes. He has been on prednisone but completes the prescription in about a week. He was so bad off before that I am wondering what we can expect now. What will he go through? What can we do?

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Prednisone weak ones the bones and caused my mother's pelvis to crack open. She was bedridden and in agony for the last year's of her life. It can also induce diabetes and cause fluid to collect around the heart. SHORT TERM it is useful.
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Thank you all so much for your help. I so appreciate it.
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I believe that prednisone can be given long term, so if it's helping the doc will continue it. Write down all the questions you have for the doctor. Don't be afraid to ask, what you are imagining is likely far worse than the reality. If you don't want to discuss prognosis in front of your husband, have him sit in the waiting room while you discuss with the doctor. Do you have a trusted friend or relative you can take with you to write stuff down? My best wishes to you both.
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My grandmother had emphysema, and she needed oxygen at the end. She was weak but alert and well-connected. If you have a small pulse oximeter, from the drugstore, you can measure heart rate and O2 saturation at his finger. You also want to be alert for bluish lips or fingernails. No one can give you a timetable for this condition, there are too many variables. You can expect to work with a respiratory therapist and know that many patients can live a good long time by following the treatment plan.
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The doctor has not given a prognosis. I just want to understand what the progression of stage 4 enphasema. Is it a slow debilitating death? Will he suffer and slowing smother to death? I just cannot find this information so I thiught someone on this site may have gone through this with a loved one.
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My heart aches for you, Lavern. What a distressing situation.

What to the doctors say about the prognosis? Is anyone suggesting hospice?
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