
I can't let her drive her scooter any longer...not safe..but don't know what to do with it. It works well but a little "bunged up" due to her lack of driving skills.

Any suggestions?

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IMO if brother wants it sold you should make him in charge of advertising and selling it, put up or sh*t up ;)
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Would you like to donate to DVA( Disable Veteran of America) or Good Will and get that the tax deductible?
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Senior centers with bulletin boards might be an option. I think the trick is targeting the interested population, and I wouldn't think that something like Craigs' List or E-Bay would generate as much interest as a senior center. You could post notices on all the ones within the local area.

I agree with CWillie; let brother handle the advertising, response calls, negotiation, etc., if he thinks that selling it is a good idea.

There might also be some local chapters of MS or other charities for neurological injuries that might have some suggestions on how to find target audiences.
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If she isn't using it, the scooter will become an albatross. Take it from one who knows! You'll have to keep the batteries charged about once a month. Then finally the battery (ies) will die, so you'll wind up with an albatross that takes up a lot of room and is useless. You'll want to get rid of it before the battery dies. The batteries are expensive, so the cost can't be justified if the scooter isn't being used.

We have one power chair and one power scooter with bad batteries here. They were only used once or twice. Still my mother didn't want to let them go. We could have donated the chair when it still had a battery. But Noooo... So they sit and look like dead albatrosses taking up lots of room. I would say definitely to get rid of the scooter in whatever way you can.
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I see those scooters at garage sales. I also see when they don't sell and they're left out on the road with "FREE" signs on them. Get rid of it as fast as you can because if you don't you're going to have to pay someone to take it off your hands.
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Rita, STP above had an excellent idea about donating said scooter.

Plus I have seen TV advertisements where seniors can obtain a new scooter free via Medicare, so it might not be that easy to sell a used one. Don't know if that is still available or not.
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Excellent, CWillie!
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That would be okay with me, but my brother thinks we should sell it...but I don't see that happening. I will check with him again about the tax deduction. Thanks!
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freqflyer makes a good point - that scooters can be had through Medicare so I don't know why anyone would want to buy hers except that it's a little larger than the standard ones. I've asked my brother to check into a possible tax deduction should we donate it. The suggestions for where to check about donating it are very helpful. Thanks all.
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I would be interested in it for my Mother but just don't want to deal with medicare. How much would you need to have for it? She can't drive a car anymore but getting out in some fresh air would be great for her.
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