
How to convince a a person with dementia to have health tests done and see a doctor?

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Have they been diagnosed with dementia, or is that why you want to get them to the doctor? If the person is taking (or supposed to be taking) dementia meds, I assume some doctor has made at least a basic determination that dementia is present. Did that doctor refer them for further testing?

What are you hoping to achieve with more testing? What symptoms are most bothersome at this time?

You can't force them to see a doctor, but tricking them is OK (it's for their own good.) Something along the lines of "Insurance requires a well-person check up at your age," might work.

Does this person see a doctor regularly for anything else? Talk to the doctor about tagging on some basic testing during that visit.

Convincing someone who has dementia of anything is a big challenge, because logic and reason are no longer effective tools

Good luck.
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CR, by dementia medication, do you mean Nameda or Aricept? They dont actually slow tge progress of dementia, but they can lessen some of the symptoms.

What tests would you like her to Have?

Have you considered not asking, but telling? Taking her to lunch and stopping at the doctors office afterwards for a " chat"? Therapeutic fibs can be a lifesaver.
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The only way I could get my mother to take her meds, go to the doctor, etc was to put her in a ALF that’s owned by an old friend of hers (family). Now she keeps her company manners all the time!

Also mom was making her last stand for independence so she’ll just cheerfully would tell me ‘O I’ve got it!’
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