
I am live-in care iver in fl., Besides doing everything for her I clean whole house, do everyones laundry I am certified Nurse Aide..I take care of 99yr old with dementia. I get her up do adl's, toilet her during day do her laundry and all care for her. Her son that hired me now has me cleaning whole house (her and I live on first floor), doing his laundry, bed linen and constantly picking up after him!! He is seldom in the state so I am mostly her 24/7. hoping to days off whenever he is around. I am just curious as to how much I should be getting paid

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The lady that I know that chooses to live at home, has full time care - around the clock. But, that is 3-4 different ladies. She pays $5,000 a month. (Arizona)
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ded2262, if you are an independent contractor [working outside of an agency] the going rate is whatever you and your client agree upon.

If I were you, I would just slack off on doing the cleaning for the son, who is probably in his 60's and was use to his mother picking up after him. Just tell him you can't be in two places at the same time, even if it is the same house. But since he is seldom at the house, there shouldn't be that much picking up after him, thank goodness.
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Were you hired through an agency? Or is this a private placement? What does your contract with him say? Stick with the contract. If you are with an agency, be sure to let them know the situation has changed. Otherwise, I'd let him know that your job is his mother and unless he wants to marry you, his laundry and housework is not your job. No, that was tongue in cheek, just a little levity. I really would let him know that you cannot do the other work. I would find out what the going rate is for a nursing home in the area and go for that amount. You are saving him a ton of money I would assume, and never getting a break either. How long can you physically keep that up? When do you do the shopping if he is never around to give you a break? Sorry I cannot help you with specifics as to the dollar amount, but I feel quite certain that you are underpaid. Just remember that your number one responsibility is your patient and if you need to renegotiate your contract, then I would certainly do so.
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