
My wife is level 3-4 Alz and doesn't brush her teeth. I got her to do it some but lately she just mushes the toothpaste into the brush with her fingers, puts it on the sink surround and walks away, so it's gotten to "won't."

I found that the electric toothbrush works best for my wife. Manual toothbrush got bitten so I couldn’t move it. With the motion of the electric toothbrush I am able to get it around her mouth.
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Reply to Maurice53

Sometimes my patients need a visual parellel, that means I keep a toothbrush for myself handy and 'pretend' to brush my teeth at the same time so the part of the brain that understands visual learning will recognize a familiar task. You may want to brush your teeth at the same time you are trying to get her to brush her teeth. It may or may not help. Everyone is different. You may have to guide her with hand over hand - she holds the toothbrush and you assist with placement and initiating movement, letting go once she starts carrying over the movement herself. And you may have to brush them for her if she has progressed to that point if she will allow it. If she hasn't been to the dentist lately, and you can get her to go, it may be a good idea. If there is any tenderness in her mouth that may be why she won't brush anymore. My mother had broken teeth that were causing her pain, once they were taken care of it was easier to get her to brush.
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Reply to plcmamamemory

I stay with mom and watch and encourage! That works..she brushes it into her hair if I do not stay in bathroom!
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Reply to Sadinroanokeva

One way to keep my Mom from rushing through brushing is to stand behind her so she can see me in mirror. She was rushing because she was afraid I was leaving her.
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Reply to Clatour

I've had good luck with G-U-M Soft Picks. My family member will not brush her teeth or allow me to help but she likes to use the soft picks to get the food out of her teeth and gums. I also ask her to swish water around in her mouth which she can either spit out or just swallow.
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Reply to roadtrip54

My husband doesn’t do his either unless after a shower the care lady gets him to do it.
i don’t under stand why. The excuses don’t make sense.
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Reply to ElderlyGram

kirkleon: It's time for you to take over brushing her teeth as she's forgotten the process.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Llamalover47

When Mom went to an AL, the aide told me would not brush her teeth. I asked if she put the toothpastenon the brush and then handed it to her, aide said no. Told the aide that is what I had been doing and she brushed her own teeth. My problem was getting her to stop brushing. If this what you do, then I guess brushing them for her is the next thing.
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Reply to JoAnn29

Time for you to brush her teeth for her.
I used an electric toothbrush when I was brushing my husbands teeth and it worked well for us.
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to Grandma1954

If she will let you help her Teepa Sow has a video about that
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to cwillie
DaisyAnn57 Jan 11, 2025
Thank you so much for this website. I went to Teepa Sow and she’s got a lot of information on helping people with Alzheimer’s.
See 1 more reply
By doing it for her yourself.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to funkygrandma59

She’s lost the ability to do it anymore. You or a helper will need to do it for her. Consider hiring an aide who’s worked with patients with Alzheimer’s as they have tricks of the trade to gain cooperation and get it done quickly and efficiently. Being shown specifics will help
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to Daughterof1930

The only thing you can try is say, “come one now love, it’s time for me to brush your teeth..” and then you brush her teeth as best you can. Don’t make it a production, just do the best you can.

She probably has zero idea what to do with the toothpaste and toothbrush. I’m sorry it’s gotten to this point.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to Bulldog54321

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