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Just got message from former aide. It was Almay deoderant fragrance free. And usually found on a bottom shelf. She swears by it.
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I'm assuming you checked for shingles--right? That can cause horrible blistered rashes that can last for months. And the itching is unbearable (and I caught it on day 2 and still had it for 6 weeks--but not that badly--still--ugh)

The idea of a tummy tuck/breast lift needs to be off the table completely. Those are both horrifically painful. And bring with them their own set of issues.

I have used Monistat and found it to work well. Also The Butt Paste. It's a trial and error kind of thing.

Keeping clean and dry--be sure you are washing towels and clothes in fragrance free detergent and NO dryer sheets.
Helpful Answer (4)

Take her to a dermatologist for some cultures of what's growing in there. If you can't get a dermatologist to examine her in person, ask her permission and take some pictures on your phone.

Meanwhile continue to clean the area (use an emollient cream *as* soap, not on top of, and wash and rinse as normal) and *thoroughly* dry it, always using a clean towel (obvious I know, but you'd be surprised). I'm sorry it hasn't worked but I'd still try to keep the skin surfaces apart with clean muslin or clean cotton jersey (or, if it's not unaffordable, you might like to get some silk underwear for her to try? Not satin glamour, I mean the type mountaineers use).

With larger persons, if I can do it tactfully, I suggest they lie down after their shower so that it's easier for them to get *properly* dry. I encourage them to dry what they can, then I go over any areas they can't reach. This isn't just because of skin folds, though - it is also extremely difficult to do a good job of drying if your balance and your suppleness aren't all they were.

Don't despair - I've seen some rashes 😱 that looked dreadful but cleared up very fast once they were got in hand.

PS Don't take away her treats!
Helpful Answer (5)

Please make sure you are washing her bras, knickers and any other clothing that comes in contact with these areas with Borax. I would give the clothes a good soak in a pail of hot water and Borax for an hour or so, then dump the pail, water clothes and all into your washing machine. If it is a yeast or fungal infection, if the clothes are not treated, you will just be reinfecting her.

A mild vinegar solution, 1/4 cup white vinegar to 3/4 cup warm water, gently dabbed on the areas will help clear it up too. Dab it on, allow to dry.

I am a busty 40 I was the size of my last bra, and also get hot flashes. I struggle with rashes under by breasts. Doing the above keeps the worst of it at bay. I have a friend who puts pieces of paper towel under the folds after she bathes. It does a great job of absorbing the extra moisture.
Helpful Answer (5)
NeedHelpWithMom Oct 2020
Borax is a very old product. Nice post!
Blow affected areas dry with a hair dryer before applying anything. If you put something moist on before blow drying, the skin will stay damp and that’s a big no-no.
After blow drying a thin piece of dry cotton cloth placed between the two flaps can increase comfort also- a man’s cotton handkerchief works fine.
Change the cotton cloth often.
Helpful Answer (2)
JoAnn29 Oct 2020
Great about the hair dryer. My GF was told this years ago when she kept getting yeast infections you know where.
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My Mom suffered from yeast infection rashes. I would not use powder. Mom had to wear a bra. Hers broke out when it was skin on skin. When she baths you must make sure that she is really dry in those areas. Mom used cornstarch in place of powder. When she started to look red, even in the fold, I would use Desitin like suggested. It does not wear off like some creams. There is a deodorant our aide swore by that helped. It starts with an A and I found it in Walgreens. I think its a roll on. Have a message into her.

If a yeast infection, sugar feeds it. So if she is a sugar lover, you may want to cut it out.
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Get rid of the rash with fungal infection, then use the barrier cream.
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I'm thinking it's something fungal too. We were told by mom's nurse to use a silicone barrier cream - Barriere by Wellskin.
If you type "skin folds" into the site search you might find some other helpful posts.
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Probably a fungus/yeast type rash. Try OTC Miconazole cream, foot fungus spray. Physician can prescribe ketoconazole shampoo To wash with. Nursing sees this at assisted living/skilled nursing frequently. Talc and creams will Temporarily relieve but anti fungal/yeast will get rid of for months at a time. If severe it can require an antibiotic.
Helpful Answer (4)

Okay don’t laugh but in Louisiana there is a product called Boudreaux’s Butt Paste. You can order it online. Mom’s home health care nurse swore by it.

It’s similar to Desitin but a bit stronger.

Best wishes to you and your mom.

If needed ask your doctor about a good wound care specialist. Or maybe even a dermatologist.
Helpful Answer (5)
worriedinCali Oct 2020
That’s diaper rash cream for babies LOL! The butt paste I mean. If the OP goes looking for it, she’ll need to go to the baby section because it’s with all the diaper rash creams. I used it on my youngest, it’s great stuff!
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Have you tried Desitin? If Destin or a similar diaper rash paste doesn't work, go with an OTC anti-fungal. A dermatologist can tell you for sure (that's who recommended the Destin for the painful, cracked skin under my breasts).
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Hi Susie. Been there with my Mom with both breasts and tummy fold. The breasts started years ago. Applied anti fungal cream per Dr for a week and gone. Now use powder Every day to keep the area dry. Two months ago the tummy fold had same issue for the first time. I applied the anti fungal cream again and gone in a week and powder used now. Good luck. I hope you can get your Mom feeling better soon.
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It is interesting that he said it wasn't a fungal issue? Because as you were speaking all I could think is fungal. What sometimes happens is that people use antibiotic cream and it kills good and bad bacteria, leaving things open to fungal. Then they use antifungals and the opposite happens. This can happen even in animals, sometimes dogs get this going on bare tummies. I would try an antifungal for a few days, just the over the counter ones such as monistat cream. It may initially turn red and burn for a day, but if a fungus it would cure it within 5 days. If it is the same, you have just PROVED that your MD was correct all along, but no harm done. Important thing if that doesn't work is basically keeping it dry as you can, sometimes with a small gauze tucked in.
Helpful Answer (10)
DILKimba Oct 2020
That was exactly what I was thinking Alva! It sounds like yeast to me! I would use Lotrimin AF and some Desitin ointment over that as a protectant. That’s what I used to do in the folds of my baby’s skin when they got a yeast rash. The Destin is soothing to the skin. It’s mostly zinc which is healing!
Luz (DW) had the fungal infection under her breasts. ER gave meds to clear the infection and the LaMaze bras kept it dry. I still used creams and Vaseline under there to keep her dry. Worked great.
Never had problems with the tummy flap but I would have used Vaseline there as well.
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I would use witch hazel several times a day and see if that doesn't clear it up.

My dads doctor said keeping it dry is the biggest challenge and most important thing to do.

Clean the areas with warm water, dry and spray with witch hazel, rub in and let it air dry. It has been around for decades and really works.
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