
I’m the odd one in my family. Black sheep, weirdo, different...I hear it a bit estranged from the whole family. I left as soon as I could, went back to visit now and then but never felt like I belonged. I never missed seeing any of them.

My mom developed non-hodgkin lymphoma NHL and is in hospice care at home. She can wiggle her feet and lift her forearms to feed herself but that’s it. I don’t know how she can stand lying in bed like that. Dad is nearly blind so he needs looking after as well. My siblings were COVID deniers and conspiracy theorists who refuse to wear masks around these two vulnerable people. I feared for my own health every time I went there.

I took 48 hour caregiver shift. There two siblings who have been primary caregivers were relieved. They had already established routines and practices and gave me some cursory info and assumed I understood it. I thought I did. I was wrong.

I think there is something wrong with me. I’m embarrassed to say I don’t love my parents the way it seems other people do. We have a friendly relationship, but ... I remember the roadblocks they threw up, the occasional vicious beating, and there is an emotional distance on my part. I sometimes don’t understand what other people are feeling anyway. I try to guess and fit in. So when I am there, it’s not with a loving and compassionate mindset. Mom is almost totally paralyzed and bed fast, has terrible edema, her skin is swollen and leaking fluid all over. She’s not in pain, but what kind of life is that? We have to change her diaper pads, she’s up to 200 pounds at least and it’s really hard to turn her, and she HATES it and says she wants to die when we do. I’m torn between wanting to insist and wanting to, as always, allow her to make her own choices, and NOT wanting to do the diaper changing when she screams if you touch her. What is the balance? When do you insist on something for their own good even if it causes intense emotional upset?

I made an awful mistake. I thought we were just doing diaper changes morning and evening if she had pooped. I think the older sister was doing that. The younger sister was checking constantly and changing the diaper every time she pooped (she has a catheter) and assumed that I knew this was common sense. I did not. I thought it was a balance between avoiding problems and minimizing the emotional/physical distress. So one afternoon I changed the diaper when the aide was there. In the evening she hadn’t pooped so I didn’t force anything. The next day she had surely gone, but had a fit when I wanted to check and dad also wanted me to leave her alone. By that evening I had been without sleep for 48 hours and I made a poor decision. I thought, ok, let them do what they want as usual and change her tomorrow with the aide’s help. In the morning the aide was shocked by the amount of poop. The bedding was also wet, because Mom poured two glasses of water on it overnight, and it made things look worse. so she reported it to the nurse, who called the older sister, who called the younger sister, who screamed at me over the phone, and then they sent text messages to all the siblings saying the nurse was going to monitor everything because of abuse. I feel humiliated.

I didn’t intend and didn’t realize that was harmful. If I explained my thought process it would sound like making excuses. At least two sisters are heaping abuse and recriminations on me. I understand that they are also under huge stress and I deserve it, but it’s not helpful. I want a copy of the care plan so I can research and figure out what to do in any situation. It seems there is some mental problem that keeps me from feeling for them, loving them, just knowing what to do like a normal person. How do I atone for my mistake and do better? I dread facing the hatred and judgement, but I can. If I really do have emotional issues, how do I figure out the right thing to do? Is there someone else who struggles with this and has advice?

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There were good reasons to distance myself from them growing up. They were racist. They thought women should be passive and get married and have kids. I wanted to go to college and study physics, and had many full ride scholarship offers, but they refused to sign the paperwork. They wouldn’t let me get a driver’s license, They said one day I would learn how things work. In fact the area I grew up in was rural, and full of prejudice and social pressure to play dumb and fit in. Luckily I lived by a farm and spent most of my time wandering in the woods. Went to college anyway with no support from them. I nearly starved but I made it and moved away immediately. So maybe I just didn’t have a chance to develop normal social skills, or maybe it’s some kind of syndrome. Either way, I’m missing something I need to be a good caretaker of my parents, and I have to figure out what it is,
Helpful Answer (1)
sp19690 May 2021
No you don't need to be a good caretaker to them. You just need to be their daughter. In their eyes you will never be good enough and that's their problem. Not yours.
Why would you even want to be a caretaker to people who have abused you?

It's not your responsibility.

Go live your life, preferably as far away from all that drama as humanly possible. Don't let a perception of obligation trap you in their crappy little backwoods town for the rest of your life. Way too many people, mostly women, make that mistake.

Consider therapy. It can help.
Helpful Answer (4)

You’re not weird. I spent a large portion of my childhood trying to figure certain things out. I am so sorry that you were abused.

I left home and went to school too. I worked and the some of the older generation feels we should have stayed home with our husbands.

Many moms in our generation felt that we should be homemakers like they were.

For whatever reason, they struggled to evolve. Most of our generation did evolve. Most of us treat our children differently.

I think that the reason why you don’t feel ‘love’ for them is because there was a lack of love and understanding from them to you and even if they didn’t know any better because they may have been treated harshly, you were still hurt.

You have a right to feel hurt and even angry.

At this point in time ask the social worker about placement in a facility or even a hospice house.

My mom recently died in a hospice house. The care and compassion is amazing!
Helpful Answer (4)

I wonder if some people become a 'black sheep' as a necessary step for self-care, or even self-survival? I don't see it as a negative at all. I applaud it.

Everyone has different empathy levels: some may be lower - can cut & run with ease. Some are so high (empaths) that they sort of close off or detatch their feelings to protect themselves. It can be interesting to work out how you relate to the world.

Leaving feelings aside.. & the F.O.G (fear obligation guilt)... here's some commonsense questions for you;

Do you want to be a nurse?

If so, keep learning! You will make mistakes of course (like every human) but will increase your knowledge & confidence with time & practice.

If not, quit. Seriously.
Quit being a nurse & return to being a daughter (I presumed female?).

Are your sisters in charge of your life?

I'll answer that for you. No, they are not. What you offer, how much you offer, IF you even offer any hands-on help is up to YOU. It can be great to work in a functioning care team - but it is not for everyone.

Do you want to be doing what you are?
Helpful Answer (2)
TheWeirdOne May 2021
That’s such a hard question. My sisters carried the burden for months, but that was partly their own fault. I offered to come and live with the folks, but only if they would get tested, wear masks, observe guidelines. The answer was “you do what you feel you have to do, and we will handle it.” At the time they thought we would be doing this for a few weeks. I live an hour and a half away so just driving in for the day was hard. (The rebuttal to that was that I was lying, it was no more than 50 minutes.) actually it could be 2hours in snow. So I had plenty of reason to say ok, whatever you want. But I could see how exhausted they both were, and figured out a way to stay overnight in a different room. It seems like the right thing to do at this point. If things were different I would agree she should go to a hospice facility. But that would separate her from Dad, and neither of them can bear the idea.

i don’t want to be a nurse, but I don’t want to harm my mom out of ignorance. They say abuse, she might get a bladder infection because the catheter got dirty. Which makes me feel GUILTY. On the other hand, she’s had them before with the sisters and it wasn’t their fault. And, forgive me, would it be such a bad thing if she were to get an infection that pushed her off the edge and ended her misery? This woman is experiencing a lingering, terribly protracted death and it’s terrible to watch. She wants to die. One sister prays every day for her to die and be delivered of the suffering. Mom’s 94 and her body must be incredibly strong to keep going.
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Dear, I think YOU'RE the normal one.

The fact that these folks assume that you would just figure out the caregiving with an abusive mother screaming at you shows just how ignorant they are. No one can function with no sleep.

Your mother needs professional care. I hope that your siblings can figure out how to get that for her, whether in a facility or at home.

And yes, consider therapy if you can't see that the dumb cluck racist conspiracy theorists are the folks with the issues.

Familial love is a 2 way street. They were supposed to love, nurture and guide you while you were growing up. They didn't. They don't get to turn around and insist on you being an attentive child now.
Helpful Answer (5)
TheWeirdOne May 2021
I don’t think my mother is being abusive. She is just humiliated and frustrated and I think she really does want to die. She’s had non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma for some time, and last spring the doctor said there was nothing more they could do. The prognosis was she had a couple months at most. We set up two hospital beds for her and dad, and by fall she was a hospice patient. The weight gain is from the steroids and terrible edema caused by lymphoma along with congestive heart failure. We thought she’d never see Thanksgiving. Then for sure Christmas would be a miracle. Then New Year’s Eve. Groundhog Day, Easter. I wouldn’t be surprised if she holds on until their 75th wedding anniversary in June. But she’s miserable. She can’t even roll onto her side in bed, or sit up, she has terrifying bouts of shortness of breath, she can’t bend her knees. She lies in one position all day. Thankfully her short term memory is compromised so she will tell me she needs to get out of bed, she hasn’t been up in a week. She’s bloated and fluid is leaking out of her body and she has skin damage from moving her on the sheets to reposition her, change pads...considering all that she’s a saint, not an abuser. I don’t see how she has the will to keep going. That’s part of what makes it hard for me to force yet another indignity on her. She doesn’t have much time.

Whatever happened in the past between us - both those people are long gone. I did happen to be born at a difficult time, she worked hard and endured my father’s secret infidelity and somehow they kept it together. But there was a critical time when she did not understand the person I was, did not understand being different, and just didn’t have much to give me. Sometimes I look at her and think she looks like Jabba the Hutt lying there, and try to imagine the person she used to be. The other day I realized that when the rest of the family looks, they see a completely different person. They see her fro when she was fun, was always laughing and singing, teaching Sunday School and being a Girl Scout troupe mother...they knew her when she was happy and giving and kind, and had a different relationship with her.
Yes you ARE different from the rest of the family. You are sensible, they are stupid, sexist, racist and unhelpful. You have tried to do what you thought was right, they are anything but helpful or grateful. Your mother is grossly overweight, and has not cared for her own body, let alone for you. This is all real for you, it's not a 'psychological issue' (ie in your head).

You made a mistake – NOT an AWFUL mistake, just a mistake. Mother and father are still alive, so are sisters. It was one overnight blitch, that’s all. Why fear ‘hatred and judgement’ because you did something wrong? It’s just as stupid as them feeling smug about the way they ‘get it all right’. If they even mention abuse, you are better off out of there. If they try to stop you leaving, why? Do they actually WANT the ‘abuse’ to continue so that they can ‘humiliate’ you?

You got away from all this once, and made a better life for yourself. Just think - it's probably time to do it again!
Helpful Answer (3)

Weird One, people who are saints don't scream at folks who are trying to help them.

How are the edema symptoms being managed? It sounds as though your mom needs much more and more professional care than can be given at home. Is there a hospice facility she could go to?
Helpful Answer (2)

Weird, at the stage of life that your parents are in, there are no "good" choices. Only the least bad ones.

Is mom on comfort meds from hospice for her agitation? That would certainly make changing her a bit easier. Is she getting morphine when she is short of breath?

Your sisters don't sound like nice people. They tell you that you lie about how long it takes you to drive there? OMG!

Can't Mom and Dad go to a NH together where mom could be on Hospice?
Helpful Answer (5)
TheWeirdOne May 2021
Barb, you have it exactly right. All we have are least-bad options.

Mom can’t take the usual anti-anxiety meds because they actually increase her stress and anxiety. She is on dilaudid for shortness of breath.

I’m still trying to process how I could have missed the fact that it was important to check her diaper all the time and change it right away. If it’s such an obvious thing that anyone with common sense would know, why didn’t I get it? What else am I misreading? I’m terrified and sick at heart over it.
Okay, here's the thing.

We are programmed from birth to do what our parents TELL us to do.

BOTH of your parents told you NOT to bother with Mom's diaper.

I think it's as simple as that.

And if Ativan makes mom more anxious (not uncommon) have them try Klonopin or something else. Hospice should have some tricks up their sleeves. Or get a consult with a geriatric psychiatrist.

Here is a good paper with a long list of meds that can be used to treat agitation.
Helpful Answer (1)

I would NEVER have left anyone to care for my Husband after "just explaining" what needed to be done. I always had them "shadow" me for a day then during that day I would have them "help" me do some of the repeated tasks, like changing him.
To leave you to care for 2 people after just explaining what to do is irresponsible.

Have you talked to a therapist about yourself? If you are thinking that you are "Black sheep, weirdo, different," and any other comment that you think about yourself you should be discussing that. You indicate that you have been abused in the past. that should be enough for you to seek a way to deal with that. Then expecting you to care for the abusers is a bit much.

And sort of getting back to the first comment...
In order to SAFELY care for someone you should be shown what to do AND you should be provided with the proper equipment that will keep you safe and the person you are caring for safe. In this case it sounds like a Hoyer Lift might actually be a great option. It would cause less stress on your mom and less stress for anyone that is caring for her.

If you are going to continue your "shifts" and there is going to be a Nurse there to monitor what you are doing then ask the Nurse to train you and show you exactly what you need to do in order to do what needs to be done properly.

If you are going to continue to be a caregiver you should have something in writing that indicates a care plan and exactly what your duties are. AND you should not be expected to "work" 48 hours with no sleep.

And I am going to add a Sixth point here, just because it is me responding...
Is mom on Hospice? If not you (by you I mean whoever is POA) should look into it. I would think she would qualify. You would get the equipment that you need to safely care for her as well as all the supplies you need. And a Nurse would come once a week, more often if needed and a CNA or Home Health Aide would come a few times a week.
Helpful Answer (5)
BarbBrooklyn May 2021
Wonderful advice!

The mom is already on Hospice.
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Maybe because of the abuse you never really bonded with them. Thats how you dealt with it.

Do you have problems with relationships as a whole? Do you tend to reason a little differently? I think seeing someone would be a good idea. I would ask to be tested for autism. You may be high functioning but it may be why you look at things differently. Why you may react differently.

The aide should have done the diaper change.
Helpful Answer (4)
TheWeirdOne May 2021
JoAnn...I do have a history of relationship issues. For years in my early 20s I didn’t even date, because people were falling in love with me and I realized I was hurting them by not being “the one”. And it is hard to intuit situations, which is why I wonder what else I’m missing in learning to help care for my parents. I don’t know what a diagnosis would do at this point because I’m almost 65.
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All caregivers make mistakes. I've made tons. Your recent "mistake", quite frankly, doesn't sound so terribly heinous to me.

BUT, I care for a loving, non-demented parent who has never abused me, and I provide care alongside a nice, psychologically healthy sibling who doesn't lash out abusively at others when there are problems and mishaps, which there will ALWAYS be in any caregiving situation.

I think YOU'RE the normal one and that you need to exit this dysfunctional situation ASAP.

I'm very sorry that your biological family is like this. You deserve better.
Helpful Answer (5)

You are present during these last days. That is the right thing and you are doing it. Be at peace with yourself.
Helpful Answer (4)

Stop owning your sisters nasty opinion of you.

You really did not do anything wrong and they need to stop with the personal attacks against you. It is not okay for them to rip you a new one when they know full well how difficult caring for your parents is.

Step back, take a deep breath and start fresh. Dwelling on what should have been serves absolutely no purpose other than to make you crazy.

You saw what these people were when you were young and you chose to get out, congratulations! Don't get sucked back in now. You just have a short season to do what you feel you should for your parents, keep your eyes on the exit, not those sisters and their words.

I wore a button for most of my school years that said "Why be normal?" I think being exceptional is far more rewarding and it doesn't matter what others think of you. So why try to fit into their bucket?

Speak with the nurse and ask how you can be trained by hospice to care for your mom in the best way possible and move on.
Helpful Answer (4)

I started typing Weir.. but coz I am a little dyslexic, put Deir, then it reminded me of Dire Wolf. GoT fan at all?

Anyway.. back to the incontinence pad issue. Please let it go. It happened. Any consequences were not intentional. Try not to dwell.

You know, the sister's overreaction may be more about them - not you anyway. They may be so tired & stressed out, maybe they felt guilty leaving Mom's side.

Honestly, folk in hospitals & nursing homes must be left soiled from time to time. Especially folk living in their own homes alone, awaiting an aide to arrive. That's how my sister lives. Stays that way until the next shift arrives.

Also, if it helps.. a friend (RN) was doing similar to you as one of 3 sibs caring round the clock for their Mother. The 6 month time frame actually ended earlier at 2 or so months & she said there was no way they could have gone the 6 months. It was just too hard. My friend, even though trained, had limits & just could not mobilise her on her own. So Mother was stuck in a chair for hours until help arrived. After that, on her shift, Mother stayed in bed until sib 2 arrived. Sometimes not as clean as she would like.

She too could *see* the real situation, where sometimes others focused on how they wished it could be..
Helpful Answer (3)

I wanted to add that I think you have described the situation with facts & clarity.

The sisters being there for longer, looking backwards at the Mom they knew, looking at how they want it to be maybe are not looking truthfully at the situation *as it is* right now.

You've clearly explained too how you saw they needed help, made the choice to step in & are willing to try to learn what's required.

You've also brought fresh eyes. What do you see?

Do you see this working or not?

Are there things that need to improve?

Is Mother's agitation/pain relief being managed well enough?

Is one person on shift able to adequately do the task? Or is 2 X assist to roll & clean really required?

(I do ask a lot of questions - sorry!)

What are the main priorities now? What is acceptable.

*To be pill free or pain free?
*To stay in her home, or is being in a safe comforting environment ok?
*Must she live with Dad or is having Dad spend time with her enough?
Helpful Answer (3)
TheWeirdOne May 2021

She’s not in pain at all, other than when we move her, but she does get agitated, especially in the afternoon and sometimes through the night. One of the ironies is that she never used over the counter meds if she could avoid them, so when we give her an anti anxiety or antipsychotic drug she can feel that something is different. Which makes her anxious. I very much wish her anxiety could be reduced.

She wants to stay home with dad. She begins to panic if he’s not in the room, and it’s been that was for years. It would be hard for them to be parted at this point. They want to stay home, and have enough children willing to support them in that.

if they could go together somewhere it might be easier or it might not. He isn’t a good patient. They’ve been married 75 years next June, and lived in the same house almost 60!
First...I appreciate the kind words and encouragement. I do feel anxious and ashamed, and I have to work through that in order to be able to stand up and do the right thing. So the supportive language helps take the fear down a notch and give me a chance to take a deep breath and take another look. And if this were a long-term situation, I would need even more to invest in my own inner resources to be able to avoid burning out. And I will.

But this is a short-term thing. I don’t have to stand up for months, just for a short time, so I need to keep going based on what I already have saved up inside.

And I think I’m not seeing everything, or not assigning the right urgency to the right things, and that’s why I ask for advice. Basic human things can sometimes be opaque to me. Once I get it, I get it, and I empathize, but until I get it, it doesn’t exist. Resolving my issues will take time, and my mom doesn’t have that kind of time. I don’t have to understand everything in order to do a good enough job. I’m asking for the care plan, and a number of someone I can talk to. In the meantime, I could use some tips.

For example, deciding correctly when to do something no matter what and when to back off. There are three places I struggle with this. The first is meds. Sometimes she will take them, sometimes she refuses and says she’s already had them. Once she thought I was trying to poison her. She has short-term memory issues. I can ask the nurse or doctor what the time frame is, and see if waiting helps, but what do you do if the person just refuses to take medicine they need?

Another question is about positioning. The nurse suggested repositioning her every couple hours. But how do you reposition someone who can’t move? It hurts to lie on her side. It hurts to bend her knees. She only wants to be flat on her back. The best I can do is to try to put a pillow under her upper back which she will sometimes tolerate. Her skin is very fragile and I hate moving her. Pulling sheets out from under her when changing chux and pads has made friction burns on her sides. Sometimes these start weeping or bleeding and need bandages. There are large blistered areas - she is on lasik for edema but can only take so much without risking kidney damage - and it’s hard to move her at all without pressing on something that hurts. So how do you balance the need to reposition a person with the pain that it causes them, and when it tears their skin up ? I can’t see putting her on her side when the skin is already damaged there. She has an air mattress that changes pressure. Do I just accept that there isn’t much I can do except the pillow under the upper body now and then?

Then there is the problem that I already screwed up. Which is that she has to have a BM in bed, which she will deny, and then object to having pads changed. I don’t know if it’s because of the pain in rolling her, or the embarrassment. Is this an area where there is no flexibility? If she goes, does she have to be changed immediately no matter what, yes? There is no room for delay or compromise?

What else should I be looking for? Are those the main three things to take care of, or is there something else to watch? I’m embarrassed to even ask these questions. Which doesn’t matter. I am ok with finding out yet another thing I don’t know, but I’m not ok with causing my mom to suffer because I made the wrong decision.

Thanks a thousand times for being here.
Helpful Answer (2)
Pasa18 May 2021
This level of care - turning in an air mattress, incontinence in bed, medication noncompliance -requires professional nursing. Now is the time.
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I don't think you should be a caregiver for your mother; her issues are too far out of the scope of what you're familiar with and comfortable with. That would be MY position on this if I were in your shoes as well. Has nothing to do with being 'weird' or a 'black sheep' or anything of that nature at ALL.

You ARE a normal person, you've just been put into an ABNORMAL situation and now you're questioning YOURSELF which is very unfair.

Your siblings are on you like white on rice when you have NO experience dealing with THIS level of care for another human being! You can be given a road map all day long and STILL feel lost in the muck and the mire of it all. Because it's too much. Too much to expect you to come in and do the caregiving for a 200 lb diaper clad woman with dementia who is screaming and in pain and telling you NOT to move her or that she's already had her meds or that you're poisoning her, etc.

What's needed here is another paid caregiver or nurse to come in and do this job instead of you. Someone who has lots of experience with eldercare and knows this job like the back of her hand. You can come in to give your mother some visiting time and loving support, that's all. You can hold her hand and bring her a soft drink or a snack. You can share memories with her and have a good end-of-life experience with the woman instead of a nightmare you'll feel guilty for for years to come!

Please don't feel obligated to do this caregiving anymore! Let yourself off the hook and let your siblings know you can help out with emotional support here only. The hands on diaper changing and all the rest of it needs to be delegated to professional nurses and caregivers now. Enough is enough.

Wishing you the very best of luck in a difficult situation
Helpful Answer (4)

First, I really get what you're saying. I left at 16, probably from a similar childhood. There's no freakin' way to force yourself to honestly love a parent. That's just What Is. Forgive yourself and stop trying to force it.

As for the mom-care, honey, it sounds to me like it is HIGH TIME you and your sisters brought in the professionals. I know your sisters are snapping from the pressure, not at you, but you shouldn't be left holding the emotional baggage for honest errors. You have a good heart, obviously.

Set yourselves free. Petition for a paid worker to come do this stuff, or stick them in a home. Believe me, looking back on my incredibly long 8 months of provided care, I wish I'd taken every single chance to leave them in any sort of other place, like post-surgery care, etc. There's no heroism here. Just step back. I'm guessing your inner life is a safe place for you, and that's OK and normal for some of us. Go there.

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Please don't blame yourself! You are doing the best you can in a very hard situation! I am a high functioning autistic and I understand a lot of what you are explaining! Honestly, if your family treats you that badly, I would suggest that you don't look after your parents anymore! If they feel like you are that bad, then don't subject yourself to the abuse! You sound like a good person who is doing the best you can and you don't deserve to be treated like that! I'm so sorry that this is happening to you! God bless you!
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