
i was wondering what hospice provides when they start coming to my mothers house ,as far as supplies that she needs? and also if care givers get some kind of financial services for being the main caregiver?

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My mom is on Hospice now...about a month. They send a nurse once a week. She takes vitals and checks in with us. We also have an amazing CNA who comes twice a week and bathes mom. She is amazing. She bring supplies with her such and briefs, Chux pads, wipes, no rinse body cleaner, ointment. Any meds are covered and they deliver them to the running to the pharmacy. There is also a Hospice doctor...she has come once. The social worker has come twice to see how things are going. My son is graduating from university next month and I will be gone for two days. Hospice said they had respite care, but you must do 4 days and they move mom to a facility. We will not do that so I am paying out of pocket for a CNA to come.
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We recently posted an article on Hospice that should answer most of your questions. To access it, click on Living -- in the orange bar, and then click Hospice on the left. Or, paste this URL into your browser:
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