My father is in SN but is not being seen by the doctor or NP. Floor nurse have recommended that I take him outside for care as they realize this challenge. Ironically several NPs are billing his insurance for visits that have not happened. Meanwhile he has some medical issues that no one is addressing. What can I do to have him taken to a private practice to be seen? Transportation is not an issue and he is on Medicare.
Or if needed you take him to the ER.
NP may actually visit. They can (and usually do) count a visit that would be no more then 5 minutes, (check vitals, ask how the resident is(, then bill insurance.
Dealt with this with my late mom, NP came by asked how she was, left then billed insurance for the visit. The doc that had the facility on his list, visited at the start, then sent his NP to visit from then on, while he went back to seeing patients at the hospital.
Many docs limit their visits to facilities as much as possible, and leave it to NPs to deal with this.
Tell this to their ADMINISTRATION, not to a nurse.
Then go to the Social Worker or call to your own Council on Aging and find out what the Licensing agency is for this facility.
Tell the administration that you intend to report them to MEDICARE for lack of doctor visits they are charging Medicare for. DO THAT!
If this is SNF in the USA it is likely to be JCAHO. Last I looked the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals oversaw licensure for most SNFs. They have a posted phone online to call.
Next step is reporting that there are no MDs and no MD communication to POA.
ALL OF THIS depends upon your being the POA. If you are not, you have very little power in all of this other than being the VERY SQUEAKY WHEEL. Speak with families of other patients if you are able, in any lounge area or waiting room. Ask if the MD is seeing their loved ones.
Good luck. Hope you will update us.