
He took out loans, charge cards, ruined his credit, and he didnt pay them off. my dad and his wife lived very well, they had a one credit, my brother knowing they have dementia, we made him eoe and he charged, and took out loan, and never paid them, knowing my dad was gonna die, he ruined my dad credit, all his has it unpaid , in collection accounts, also how can i find out his my fathers deceased wife had life insurance, 401k savings, account that my brother is lying about, my stepmother died and my father had dementia, we mad my brother eoe, and he said she had no assets, that was a lie he stole them because thet became my dads when she died, how can i find out the estate of my father was closed in 2013 and his wife died i n 2005 and he said she had no dad had land property in ms he died in chicago, the judge said for us sibings to split the property equally in ms, i ask my brother did he do that cause i wanted to use mine as collaterol to get a loan, he told me my dad didn t have the deeds in his name when he died, but i saw the deed, on the internet in his name years ago, then on the internet i saw where he sold some od the property a couple months ago, and my dad died 2012, he signed my dads signature just like he was my father, how do i handle this, i dont no if he sold all the land or some of it, im disabled, low income, i cant afford a lawyer, his probate estate was closed in 2013, and i no he stole barrer bonds and bank accounts, how do i investigate to get some of our money back, being a beneficiary wil that give me power to get the statements on his closed accounts before my brother took over

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This situation is very complicated. Best to hire an Elder Law attorney to see if he/she can straighten everything out.
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Your father died in 2012; estate was closed in 2013, and you're asking now how to address some of the alleged fraudulent actions? Why did you wait so long?
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