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Filing taxes and the need to file taxes is dependent on income.
Whether you NEED to file taxes or not you can research online at the IRS website, but you want to consider ALL sources of income, from SS to stock dividends to interest income from CDs, and from pensions and etc.

This is a question you will need to do the research on for yourself, and if you feel incapable it is well worth the time and money to take all information to a CPA.
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Reply to AlvaDeer

Was she paying them before? My Mom only had SS and a very small pension. She did not have to pay taxes per a letter from IRS.
You best betis to talk to her tax preparer. SS is not taxable unless you have other income that takes her over the cap income. With my husband and I he has a pension and we have interest that takes us over that cap.
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Reply to JoAnn29

You will need to give more financial details: If she's on Medicaid she has no income, so no. My MIL is in LTC on Medicaid and we haven't had to file for her since 2019.

One needs to be making taxable income beyond their SS. I don't usually file for my own Mom (95, living in a house we own). Her SS is barely $1600 p/mo. But this past year she cashed in several mature EE bond that definitely created a tax exposure, so I will be helping her file this year for the first time in a long time.

We aren't CPAs on this forum so you should always check with a professional, or go through some free apps, like TurboTax or HRBlock or pose this question (with more details) on a financial forum like
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Reply to Geaton777
JoAnn29 Dec 20, 2024
As long as that interest does not go over the income cap allowed, she will not need to pay.
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