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I'm new to this but my mom fixates on wanting to watch certain shows in a particular order. Her mornings from 8 - 11, she wants the Game Show Network. When she moved in with us, we didn't have that channel and told her so...once an hour...for two days. It never sunk in. Every time it was, "Scout?! Something's wrong with the cable! This channel is just black!" In the afternoons she watches one Hallmark channel movie. Never more. Never less. We didn't have that channel either.

Three days in I called the cable company and told them to just give me whatever the premium package was that had everything. I'm waving the white flag of defeat and giving her whatever she wants on television!
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hazelwood - do you mean they go back to the same part over and over during a particular show? It's possible, but I guess it would depend on their ability to work the remote control. Lots of people with dementia (like my mom) have difficulty operating a remote.

It may also be that they just can't hear the dialogue and go back to re-play it a few times. You could try setting the TV to "closed captioning" (text on screen) and see if this stops the "rewind" issue.
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Good evening, Hazel,
Yes, this is very common for my father, even though his dementia is not very advanced. He likes to watch the same DVD’s over and over. His favorite is In Harm’s Way with John Wayne. He watches it over and over. I suspect that he knows that it is a great movie, but he forgets the plot from day to day, or maybe he doesn’t forget it, and he finds comfort in knowing what comes next. Another favorite is the mini-series of Captain Horatio Hornblower.
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