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I'm sorry if I offended you. I hope you can find what you want.
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It is not your fault. I simply do not think this is the right forum for me. Nothing against it or anyone and a lot of people get help out of it, but I guess unless I give you my life history, you are going to make assumptions about me rightly or wrongly. I do have activities and meet people and I have no intention of adoption as it does not suit me or my life. I wish everyone well but wont be returning here again
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Poster, you probably can't make your family love and accept you. They are who they are and change is probably not going to happen and if it does it probably won't be anything you do or don't do that changes them. We hate to see you hitting your head on the wall!! Don't know if you will see this, but we wish you well too.
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I will say this,
No attorney will change a Will if the client is incompatent.If that attorney did in fact change the Will?That attorney needs to be reported to the bar.
If your Mother has dementia and is incompatent?Who is the POA of your Mother?Something here doesn't sound correct to me.
You took your Mother in to have her Will changed and for you to be removed from the Will?And you paid for it all?What reason would you pay for it all?If Mother wanted you removed.Sounds fishy to me.
I think the reason why Mom made you pay to have the Will changed is because,you did something to the Will that your mom didn't agree to.It's your fault the Will needs to be changed.Because,you did something wrong to the Will that Mom didn't agree to.Is why mom made you pay to fix the will and have you removed is my guess.
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#dogabone. c-o-m-p-e-t-e-n-t. Get it! Well, the poster was seriously thinking about leaving this forum and I think your attack on her regarding doing something "fishy" and "wrong" to her Mother's will was undoubtedly the nail in the coffin (to use a rather crass metaphor, on this site.) We'll never hear from the poor poster again! Shame on you dogabone! Anyway how could the daughter possibly do anything, and what could she possibly do, within the law, to her Mother's will? You should not make accusations of this sort, in any event, don't you agree?
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In case you didn't know, "poster" is from the UK. "Solicitor" is NOT strange. It is the correct word in the UK. By the way, "UK" means England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
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I gotta chime in here. That kind of "YOU must have done something wrong, you're not telling us the whole story" is the least supportive thing a person can write on an internet forum. In fact I think it's actually cruel, because it deflects attention away from the original issue - which the OP was stressed about enough to post in the first place - AND it puts the OP in the position of having to defend themselves, against vague baseless charges no less.

There is no way to prove or disprove anything that someone posts on a forum like this, so it's a waste of time and energy to attack a poster for not giving whatever *you* think is a complete account. If you feel you have useful advice **for the situation as described**, then give it. If not, move on.
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dogabone, where on earth are you coming from with your unfounded accusations? Yikes!
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I'm sure that dogabone is a internet troll!
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