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type in the following internet search and you will find out where this theory came from and why experts say it is false: TUESDAY, Aug. 21 (HealthDay News) -- Health experts are strongly refuting the assertion by a Republican Congressman that pregnancy is much more unlikely if a woman is raped.

"That is absolutely false," said Dr. George Attia, director of the division of reproductive endocrinology and infertility at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine.

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), which counts 56,000 members, also called the remarks "medically inaccurate, offensive and dangerous."
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Standup4us...I did type out two complete locations of what I read but parts of my post were removed. One was from Yahoo News and the other from the LA Times. What is in my post above is not what I typed...go figure. I spelled out dot and slash etc. and it was still removed.
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You seem to have this medical info from “what you’ve read”, yet not a backup source. .. hum
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Okay, I have to step in here. A woman can become pregnant if there sperm in the Fallopian tube during the 24-hour window the woman's egg is in the right position. Sperm can live for about 3 days. These are the facts that matter when it comes to conception. How anyone could imagine a woman would say, "I'm going to be raped, so I am going to shut down my hormone cycle so I won't conceive" goes against everything that we know about science (which is my field). Now if the physical or emotional trauma are too great, the embryo may self abort. Who knows how often this happens? There is no way to know. There are many babies from rape in the world, however, which discounts the idea that babies can't come from rape.
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Standup4us: an article entitled representative todd akin: No pregnancy from legitimate rape. The sources of these articles are not right winged, from fox news or limbaugh. Go pick on someone else who wants to fight with you.
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waddle1 you make my point for me in an excellent way. Instead of looking carefully at what a candidate offers, they broadbrush the stroke of hatred against the party itself. It is precisely why we are in this mess and anyone who can honestly support and perpetuate what has happened under this regime is who I will hold responsible for the next 4 years, if they vote for obama to continue leading us on a path of destruction. How much more do you have to see before you begin to "notice" IT IS NOT WORKING. How ANYone in their right mind continues to defend the abomination of this administration and feel it obama has the best interest of our country I will never understand. But really, I should easily understand it, reading the preposterous anti-conservative rantings on this site. Romney is a good, honest man who happens to be wealthy. There has become this inherent disgust for anyone who is wealthy and successful, always with the suggestion that their money was ill-gained and never from their hard work, particularly when others are struggling, as though the wealthy are responsible. HATERS. Shame on you for having that mental block stuck in your heads. Shame on you for believing the tripe you are fed from the liberal media. Shame on ALL of you haters of someone who wants only to fix the budget and the problems 'your' president has caused us. Shame, shame, shame.
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mommag, you can always type in the link. I imagine you get most of your information from FOX News or that mental giant Rush Limbaugh.
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Up your golf!!!, Ive seen the devastation republican bring. They killed my dad over the years. As for Romney and his little worm,,, like i said I will never vote for them. Romeny is no leader, he destroyed too many jobs, and families with his layoffs and sending plants into bankruptcy and then raking in millions of dollars not even caring about the families he destroyed on his way to the bank. AS long as i breathe that man will NOT EVER BE PRESIDENT!!!
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2much2cover: I only referenced why I thought Sen. Akin would say such a thing...I didn't say I agreed. Why do you have to take off on me like you know exactly what I am thinking or what I believe? IsntEasy: this site does not allow linking to other articles and sites so I am unable to share what I read. I just searched the subject and read some things about it - nothing that I can guarantee as official, since I read it on the internet.
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Be careful what you ask for!
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"mommag" - please share with us a link to any source that explains how a woman's body doesn't become pregnant because she "shuts that whole thing down" when she is raped. If, like the earth being flat, you are simply stating that it was something that was believed out of ignorance in the 13th century, that's one thing. But, if you are claiming that 21st century science (or even 19th century science) supports the existence of such a physiological mechanism, please do educate me.
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Concerning Medicare...unfortunately it is tied in with politics. I thought the same about the Affordable Care Act (some call it Obama-Romney Care). We should have had a clean, clear talk about health care procedures, costs, the future etc. But, because political parties and their followers took their stands, it became a political football instead, consuming our attention and discussion. Now, here we go again about medicare. Some people have already made up their minds and won't change. Especially those who are devoted to their political persuasion. Rather than evaluating details & facts about what each side is proposing about medicare, they just rubber stamp what their party supports or plans to do. And unfortunately, being blinded by this party devotion, they will probably vote in a way that will eventually hurt them or not be in their best interests. If this were a test about their party loyalty they would get an A+. But, that's not the issue or question. Politics and politcal gamesmanship is trumping sound, critical reasoning skills. Crazy...
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mommaq, isn't it wonderful that we have this freedom of choice?
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mommaq: aren't you glad you have a choice as to what to do if raped and impregnated. Now who are you to tell others, who may not have the support and courage you do to do the same? And I see you have the solution to the birth control issue: no one should have sex unless they are being raped (guaranteed birth control according to 13 century theory and some politicians today) or want to have endless children they may or may not be able to support or they are overthe hill and can't have children. And it is easy to say what you would do as long as you are not actually facing that situation. how many people say they will take care of their aging family members no matter what. and then the reality of the stress, finances, lack of abilities, etc sets and and that person has to give up. Imagine a young 14 year old rape victim. Gonna still tell her she has to remain pregnant?
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2much2cover...if I get pregnant by a rapist, I would have the baby.
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2much2cover. I said the research has been around since the 13th century. That does not mean that new research isn't being done in our time. If you read about the research and theory, you might know what it is all about.
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In answer to Mommaq, of course Obama has a budget for ammunition and for our solders. Example: Our President Obama made a promise and he kept it. He ended the war in Iraq.
Our President Obama introduced and passed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2009, and the March 30, 2010 Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010. This is Obama Care. This is one of the many reasons why I support President Obama.
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"LikeaMother", when you say the "top 1% is paying 80%", what do you mean? Not the top 1% in terms of wealth, right? Because Medicare is funded by a 1.45% tax of wages and for the "top 1%" the majority of their income is unearned and therefore not subject to the Medicare tax.
There is a new Medicare tax planned for unearned income that is supposed to start in 2013 (there are also many loopholes provided for the wealthy to slip through).
This is the stuff that is so misunderstood by so many voters, but which has a direct and important impact on their lives. Yet, all the smoke and mirrors of campaigning are directed at social hot-button issues to get us all riled up and make sure we "pay no attention to the man behind the curtain" (to use a Wizard of Oz reference).
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Good Morning Everyone: Someone I thought had asked if anyone heard about about Alzheimer's and healthcare something to the sort. I am not sure if the person was talking about this in particular but I did run across this site that was very interesting, 'The National Alzheimer’s Plan." Those who are interested can read more about the plan AND can give them your feedback about the plans n express your concerns at this website.
I am going back to this site to read-up on it myself. I hope everyone has a good day today.
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Well, not I am seeing where the creator of this website has their loyalty and that it is a left leaning site. You are all falling for the left's endeavor to remove your attention from the economy, jobs and the fact that millions are on the street, losing their homes. You won't have to worry about healthcare, you'll have to worry about your net worth spiraling downward if we stay on the same course. In fact the term "MEDISCARE" is exactly right and exactly what the left wants you to believe in our difficult times. Even the bible tells you that the poor will always be with us--there are always going to be the haves and the have-nots, but the poster who said that this society is split into believing libs love the poor and republicans only love the rich is correct. It's pathetic to think that the only job, family and life that obama cares about is his own.
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Yes, let's go back to the 13th century, wasn't that around medieval times, with the aristocracy and the peasants and the surfs? Yes, I think that's where we might be headed. It's easy to inflict your beliefs on others but put yourself in a situation where you have been raped and become pregnant. Which candidate are you going to vote for?
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Bravo to 2much2cover for pointing out that even though care giving is consuming, we ignore public policy at our own peril. I think we are isolated by our circumstances, and public discourse on this site about the laws that profoundly affect all of us is crucial. Indeed, the exchange of ideas will save all of us from feeling alone in an uncaring world. It has very much encouraged me even when I disagree with the post.
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I am not defending Akin but he based what he said on a scientific theory that has been around since the 13th century...if you research the theory, you could conceivably understand where he was coming from...but the media likes to take off on these sorts of things.
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Republican voters might not agree with what Senator Akin said about woman but this sure does question their ability to judge candidates and their elected officials or that they blindly follow them due to their one or two issue agenda. How did this man remain in office for 6 terms, putting through his twisted agendas. The exposure of the true feelings of Rep Akin during an interview is exactly why we need discussion and analyis of these politicians, including how much they pay in taxes and whether they place their millions in off shore accounts. These people are making decisions about our lives, after all.
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The medicare debate will not sway my vote. Posting this sort of political question here on agingcare is just another way to divide also creates prejudice. Prejudice because people assume that the poor vote for dems and the rich vote for reps....OR, that the stupid people vote for dems and the smart ones vote for reps. It is hard to change anyone's political preference by ranting sh!* about the opposite side. It doesn't change their mind, it just pisses them off. I am going to go on over to Pinterest where everything is colorful and pretty....or what some people call "putting my head in the sand". I will, however, vote and that is all I can do. I would love to go through and point out what I think are dumb comments but it truly doesn't matter what I think or say. I cannot resist this one point though; - do you think that Obama has no military? Do you think Obama has no budget for ammunition for our soldiers? Will you be so prejudice to think that Republicans agree with what Sen. Tom Atkins said? Really?
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I don't agree with the posters who say this is not the place for a discussion of politics and public policy in relation to how it will affect caregivers and those for whom they care. If these discussion upset you, then you don't have to look at that particular question or discussion. If you want to live hiding your head in the sand and sticking to your beliefs, then these discussions will have no affect on you. But don't try to halt the open discussion of others and those who want this discussed. It is b/c caregivers are not vocal enough that our needs are being overlooked, including by our own families and friends. To me, being able to secure decent housing and care as we and our family members grow old is a very important issue. More important to me, than whether my neighbors who might be gay, can quietly marry and commit to care for each other for life, something many of the postershere don't experience with their own families are they struggle alone to care for someone. And more important than whether a young woman, who made a mistake or for whom birth control didn't work, who makes her own personal choice to have an abortion. I live in a community where children are being killed by abusive boyfriends or in house fires or are found roaming the street (toddlers) while their mothers go off to work. We have cases where foster families or adoptive families neglected and even tortored or killed the innocent children under their care. I did not see the right to lifers at these trials, demanding a safe place for these unwanted children. So, while a world without abortion might be ideal, in reality, it is a lesser evil than what some children go through each day silently, with no one to help or save them, in this great country. Imagine if there was no birth control or abortion what it would be like? I live in a state where the R governor has spent millions of dollars to defend lawsuits against the state where he has attempted to impose laws that violate citizens rights . Meanwhile, the lists of elderly living alone and afraid, needing meals and care in this state is growing. So, as a caregiver, you should start asking yourself exactly what issues are really important and which candidates are going to try to achieve them.
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This is definately not the site or venue to post this question. It feels like a political ploy. The caregivers that post on this site are looking for comfort and venting rites... not the political views and the anxiety writings of this election posting. We don't need more anxiety on our plate. Keep politics and religion out of the spotlight where the caregivers need to find respite not combat.
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I know that the only person who has my families back is Obama and his “Obamacare”. I see how the Republican Party cannot connect with the average man or women. They just don’t get it. They would rather invest in weapons and military than their own people. That is why I stand with President Obama and the Democrats.
I also see these negative ads with all the misleading information and lies. It is another reason why I can’t even begin to relate to the negativity and lies of their ads.
I hear comments from Senator Tom Atkins…now this is the new Tea Party Republicans. Is this who you want to run our Country? I don’t think so!
I stand with President Obama. He cares about us.
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I am a retired healthcare benefits attorney, and currently my mother's caregiver. She is 90 and in an advanced dementia world. Due to other health issues, she is under the care of hospice, a Medicare benefit for which I and my entire family consider to be a gift from God. For this reason, we are voting for President Obama because of his commitment to improved healthcare for all citizens. Specifically, Obamacare's greatest gift is the financial strengthening of Medicare by taking away the suctioning of Medicare dollars previously going to private insurers providing Medicare Advantage. Flaws are there, but it will keep Medicare funded for 8 more years thatn all others have oly talked around. I see a lot of anger and emotion in the posts, along with misinformation. Understandable, as it is a very complex issue.
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If we learn to keep it simple we might have a better idea of who is really complicating it when I was growing up my father lost both his legs and then had to work every day to feed us and give us the meds we needed while growing up no one new about medicare in the fifty's and sixty's and then in the seventy's he finally got some help to get legs as before he sweated out and paid for them how ever we did manage to get what was called comodity's food it was at least healthy .I am glad we have a system to argue about but to many get to much free we did not .I went to school with bad teeth and in need of other health needs .in 1972 I volunteered for the draft by joining the Air Force my brother had went in the Navy a few years earlier .Thing were alright in that era you just got up and went to work and paid your bills then Dr's would work with you to get paid now every thing is high and insurance is a necessary part of life .So why do they the rich keep attacking it.I wish that we had it even though we did live through it with out it. Life would have been better for people like us and I think that my father deserved help that he didn't get .He did complain about the money and health care that was needed for the working class and why the Republican's kept it blocked and complained about getting it started even then .So this is my mark until they the Republican's actually do some thing that work's for all like insurance or health care that work's for all not just them .Johnny T.
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