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For additional information about Senior Services Associates visit their office at McHenry Township Senior Center, 3519 North Richmond Road in Johnsburg. You also can call Senior Services Associates at 815-344-3555 or visit the Senior Services Associates website.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Sendhelp

Having read the questions and answers for several days, I think the bottom line is that you want home health care that your father does not have to pay for? The short answer is that very little if any, home care is provided at no cost. Under some situations, if your father had Medicaid, a small amount of home health care might be provided. In some states, family members can receive some pay for caring for a relative through Medicaid. However, your father does not have Medicaid. Have you checked recently to be certain he doesn't qualify? For the most part, otherwise, home health care is private-pay, and it is not cheap!

The way that care is covered by charity is that the person involved goes into a Medicaid-accepting facility! I know that that is not what you want! In summary, you you either pay for home care, are cared for by family members, or go to a facility. One thing that isn't clear is your father's prognosis: is he expected to recover, or is it uncertain? For a dying person, a part of care is covered by hospice. If a person is expected to recover, then it may be easier to work out ways to pay if the care is short-term. As others have said, the social worker will be your best friend here in helping you make the right decisions.
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Reply to Igloocar

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