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These are tricky issues, in many states, such as Texas, even with a guardianship you can't stop a person from making bad decisions. I am sure the 88 year old thinks that having a hot sexual relationship with a woman 17 years his junior is not a bad decision.
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Sounds like you are more concerned about him spending his money, than you are concerned about his well being.
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I'm wondering if you have POA and can talk to doctor. Perhaps if you explain the situation he can stop prescribing the cialis?
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People that know someone has or is Old and has money will Extort the guy.
Please contact your local PD or get a Private Investigator. I am sure they are
running a gammet&acting like they like him. Sex does alot of things to guys at that
age..and Before he gets himself in trouble with the Ex-con and ends up in Prison himself..which would be is already tragic enuff!! contact the authorities and tell themof these 2. all u can do to Help the Situation as he is probably influenced so much by being fooled he wont admit it..and this way he is Protected.
Ex-cons and their families Will do ANYTHING FOR EACH OTHER!!
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I sure hope you have DPOA, etc. If not, you probably should make that a priority. You could be headed for some real trouble with dad's lady friend and her brother. Just because your father can make decisions doesn't mean he should. There are loads of people out there who prey on people like your dad. Believe me, I've been through it with my mother. It wasn't pretty!
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I guess you should Inform the Police of the Extortions of these people. It is not so
Uncommon for those women&their sibling to Extort him. he may be gettin sex..but
his Money is going to that and more!!! I would contact your local Police Department and have them aware of the individuals and what Extortions u Believe are happening.&especially with a ex-Con&she probably isn't much better. We just had that happen here.. a couple were finally caught for extorting old people with money..and living off of it..and shopping on it..and just having a good ol time laughing it up..fools are everywhere..sometimes you need a little Investigator/Police /Deputies to stake it out for you. as it is a Crime.Okay.
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No offense but...TAKE THAT CAR AWAY FROM HIM!! If he leaves it running and doors open, he surely shouldn't be on the road putting himself and others at risk. I would make an appointment to have his driving evaluated, if nothing else. Knowing that he has dementia and allowing him to carry guns is asking for trouble. Also, the girlfriend is obviously taking advantage of him. This is a bad situation all around. You are going to have to make some tough decisions in Dad's best interest.
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Talk to his Doctors . Plus what type of Doctor would give him Cialis at his age. its unheard of ?
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