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Well, we don't have the same dynamic with covid that most of the country is dealing with--but covid is HERE TO STAY. So, vax away and be smart.

My mother will go nowhere for Christmas, which makes me kind of sad as she is 92 and I just don't see how she can hang in for many more holiday seasons. Personally? I think she would be fine going to a couple small gatherings. But it's not my call, it's My YB's.

And yes, we're all still pretty edgy and jumpy. My daughter's in-laws refuse to be vaccinated and so their son (a Dr.) has declared that they cannot be around his kids--the 4 yo not being vaccinated yet. He has the right to do this and they have the right to refuse vaccination. They 'state' they've had covid twice, but there's no testing to prove it so. It's not worth the risk.

Try to make the day as nice for mom as you can, and no, you are not wrong to not want her exposed to covid again. With her history of being vaxxed and still getting covid kind of shows that she's not getting full immunity. It's a big risk.

My family will all be in town for Christmas. This has not happened in 23 years. It probably won't happen again, in my lifetime. I know everyone is vaccinated. Except for the 4 yo and we're comfortable with his being in a 'herd immunity' situation.

Will we be all together and healthy the whole week we'll all be here? Absolutely not, but I just want ONE picture of everyone.

However, if that doesn't happen, it won't happen. I think covid has really altered our state of thinking.
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Why not let your brother take her, with the stipulation that he keeps her at his place until there is no longer any chance she can get covid from the gathering? (And if she does get covid, he takes care of her.)

Why would you expose yourself? Can your mother make her own decisions? If so, then let her go with him if she must go.

And enjoy some peace and quiet, since you wrote: " am moms main caregiver ie brother is 1 yr older and works 15 hr days but is not the "caregiver" type.....but my mom never ever questions anything my brother does and questions everything i do....."
Helpful Answer (9)

Everyone is edgy and tired of Covid. Easy to understand why people don't want to hear any more about this. That said, I can't imagine why you would even have to ask about putting mom in the middle of the Omicron Petrie dish and probably endanger her, and you, and everyone there. Just apologize to your brother and stay home. Welcome to Christmas 2021.
Helpful Answer (13)
Simon53 Dec 2021
You mean well but everyone is on edge with this virus including brothers and sisters. It's not worth fighting. The world is badly messed up right now.
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