
And receiving food stamps. thank you

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Yes one of these should help in your state Dept of aging or welfare dept two separate depts. are they. God Bless!
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In many states you can now be eligible for Medicaid because of the recent changes implemented by Obamacare, regardless of age or gender. It used to be that just the elderly poor, disabled, women with children were covered. In some states that chose not to participate, the old rules may still apply. In California now, the most important criteria for eligibility is income, and there are many exceptions and exemptions for other assets, like your home, your car, etc.
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Yes, on food stamps Medicaid will start for him at 65, or if he's cronically Ill sooner. Same for you, but only if you have illnesses that prevent you from working. My sister-in-law is 53 and has Medicaid because she is very very sick. It came through even before her SSDI came through. My mom is 63 and retired but because she is healthy she has to wait until she is 65. At least this is how it's worked in california from our experience.
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Maybe you both are can find part time jobs.
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And ask about HEAP to help pay your heating bills!!!
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It depends on the state in which you reside. Contact the local Medicaid or social services office. They can tell you what the income and asset limits are in order to be eligible. If you are eligible for the federal food stamp program, chances are you will also qualify for Medicaid.
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