
was sent. We called to confirm everything and they told us that my father filed his pension as "single", therefore my mother cannot get the pension. I looked into this twice as I thought it may be a mistake. It wasn't. I let the issue go, but it still bothers me, I believe she is entitled to it, they were married over 60 years. Is it wise to fight this or am I just winning a losing battle? Thanks

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I would just ask for copies of the original documents that your dad signed (if your mom doesn't have copies) to make sure what they're saying is correct. But if your dad did sign as a "single" I doubt there's anything you can do to undo that decision made years ago.

Like Gladimhere says, most pension plans have a choice of whether to continue the pension for the surviving spouse. Your dad chose not to, for whatever reason.
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Sounds like a losing battle. When we retire there is an option for payment under a pension. Many select the higher payment amount rather than the pension payment continuing to the spouse. For whatever reason your dad chose the higher payment amount and I would be very surprised if there even were a way to undo it. Your folks may have even talked about his option at the time.
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