
My father is 81 living with his disabled grandson. He has had three strokes and he does some housework but it's just not enough the house is a wreck. Dirty and clutter. My husband and I try but it's just impossible for us. I've looked into agency for the elder and VA but they're not any help. So, I thought because he doesn't have a lot of money and Medicare only pays for short term if I could find someone to live with him and take care of him for room and board? I'm at my wits end. Any suggestions would help?

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Is your dad a veteran? Did you apply for Aid and Attendance?

Does the disabled grandson have a caseworker? S/he may be aware of housekeeping/homecare services that he is eligible for.

Finally, have you applied for Medicaid?
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Where is the disabled grandson in all this - is he not able to help at all, or are you looking for a caregiver for both of them?
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This is asked here regularly and what you are asking for is modern day slavery.

Caregivers deserve to be paid a living wage and by law in most jurisdictions. Offering room and board only is not a living wage. How would the person meet their own financial needs, health care, workers compensation etc?

When people hire live in staff, they have to provide a contract that states hours of work, days off, wages, etc.
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anonymous839718 Feb 2019
person would have to have a salary in addition to free room and board. Also have to have regular days off every. Indentured servitude is not legal in the United States.
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