
I am aware that FMLA leave can be used to move a parent into a nursing home, but what if the parent is moving from an owned home into an "independent living" facility with separately hired caregivers (caregivers not associated with the facility) and possible medical amenities? Does it still qualify for FMLA leave (assuming I can find a licensed medical doctor willing and able to document the link between the medical diagnoses and the need for the facility)? I will be living and working across the country from my mom, and we are thinking in 2-3 years she may want to move to the facility. I have had frequent struggles with employers not wanting me to take unpaid leave to help my mom with various matters, so I'd like to know what my rights are. Thanks!

Find Care & Housing
It really depends upon your employer. I worked in health care with low staffing. I could not even get a day off to take mom to see her post hip surgery appointments through FMLA
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to MACinCT

This is a good question for your human resources center. I don't myself know the answer. And I wonder if there needs be any real designation here. Would it not be "moving parent to extended care facility. I mean whether independent living, ALF, or MC, are they not still "the move" to in facility care. Understanding of course that there will be no second leave?

Hope when you research the answer for your own individual case that you will let us know. Hope also that perhaps someone on AC has got leave to do this planned move.
And wishing you good luck.
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Reply to AlvaDeer

Not sure about that. Can you not save up vacation and use that?
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Reply to JoAnn29

I think you'd have to have paperwork from her MD confirming she has a 'chronic health condition.'
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Reply to YaYa79

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